
This package includes a number of ROS 2 components that can be assembled into image processing pipelines. See the tutorial Launch image_proc Components.

Alternatively, each component can be run as a standalone node.


cameracalibrator subscribes to ROS raw image topics, and presents a calibration window. It can run in both monocular and stereo modes. The calibration window shows the current images from the cameras, highlighting the checkerboard. When the user presses the CALIBRATE button, the node computes the camera calibration parameters. When the user clicks COMMIT, the node uploads these new calibration parameters to the camera driver using a service call.

Subscribed Topics

  • image (sensor_msgs/Image): Raw image topic, for monocular cameras.

  • left (sensor_msgs/Image): Raw left image topic, for stereo cameras.

  • right (sensor_msgs/Image): Raw right image topic, for stereo cameras.

Services Called

  • camera/set_camera_info (sensor_msgs/SetCameraInfo): Sets the camera info for a monocular camera.

  • left_camera/set_camera_info (sensor_msgs/SetCameraInfo): Sets the camera info for the left camera of a stereo pair.

  • right_camera/set_camera_info (sensor_msgs/SetCameraInfo): Sets the camera info for the right camera of a stereo pair.


cameracheck subscribes to ROS rectified image topics and their associated camera_info, and prints out an error estimate. It can run in both monocular and stereo modes. The program expects to see a standard checkerboard target.

Subscribed Topics

  • monocular/image (sensor_msgs/Image): Rectified image topic, for monocular camera.

  • monocular/camera_info (sensor_msgs/CameraInfo): Camera info for the monocular camera.

  • stereo/left/image (sensor_msgs/Image): Rectified left image topic, for stereo cameras.

  • stereo/right/image (sensor_msgs/Image): Rectified right image topic, for stereo cameras.

  • stereo/camera_info (sensor_msgs/CameraInfo): Camera info for the stereo pair.