Changelog for package teleop_tools

1.5.1 (2024-09-02)

1.5.0 (2023-11-01)

1.4.0 (2023-03-28)

1.3.0 (2022-11-23)

1.2.1 (2020-10-29)

1.2.0 (2020-10-16)

1.1.0 (2020-04-21)

1.0.2 (2020-02-10)

1.0.1 (2019-09-18)

1.0.0 (2019-09-10)

  • ROS2 port (#35) * ROS2 port * key_teleop pkg format 3 * port teleop_tools_msgs * key_teleop catch KeyboardInterrupt * port mouse_teleop * add key_teleop.yaml * prepare tests * add xmllint test * fix xmllint tests * simplify joy_teleop retrieve_config * remove useless class KeyTeleop * Fixes for dynamic topic joy publishers - match_command() now compares button array length to the max deadman button index (apples to apples) - match_command function now checks if any of the deadman buttons are depressed before returning a match - properly handle a std_msgs/msg/Empty ‘message_value’ by not attempting to access its value - utilizes iter-items to correctly index into the config dict for ‘axis_mappings’’s ‘axis’ and ‘button’ values - set_member() now splits according to a dash (-) rather than a periond (.) to be consistent with ros2 param parsing & example yaml - adds the correct name to for test * reduce copy/pasta

  • Contributors: Jeremie Deray

0.3.0 (2019-01-03)

0.2.6 (2018-04-06)

0.2.5 (2017-04-21)

0.2.4 (2016-11-30)

0.2.3 (2016-07-18)

0.2.2 (2016-03-24)

0.2.1 (2016-01-29)

0.2.0 (2015-08-03)

  • Update package.xmls

  • Contributors: Bence Magyar

0.1.2 (2015-02-15)

0.1.1 (2014-11-17)

  • Change maintainer

  • Add key_teleop to metapackage

  • Add teleop_tools metapackage

  • Contributors: Bence Magyar, Paul Mathieu