Changelog for package septentrio_gnss_driver

1.4.1 (2024-08-04)

  • Fixes
    • Lever arm calculation from tf

    • NavSatStatus and GPSFixStatus

    • Orientation in pose topic of GNSS

1.4.0 (2024-05-21)

  • New features
    • Send custom commands via ASCII file on startup

    • Save config to boot after setup

    • NTP and PTP server options (BREAKING: NTP is not setup automatically for use_gnss_time: true anymore)

    • Receiver status on /diagnostics

    • Option to publish only valid SBF block messages

    • Option to auto publish available messages for configure_rx: false

  • Changes
    • Change floating point do-not-use-values to NaN (BREAKING in case these values ae used for validity checks downstream)

    • VSM now uses separate TCP device specified IP server

  • Improvements
    • Rework some sections of the README

    • Combine ROS 1 and ROS 2 in one branch

    • Change GPSFix publishing policy to allow for high update rates

1.3.2 (2023-11-19)

  • Merge pull request #106 from thomasemter/dev/next2 Fix IMU units

  • Fix topics namespace

  • Fix units of imu angular rates

  • Merge pull request #96 from septentrio-gnss/dev2 Dev2

  • Contributors: Thomas Emter, Tibor Dome, septentrio-users

1.3.1 (2023-07-06)

  • New Features
    • Recovery from connection interruption

    • Add option to bypass configuration of Rx

    • Add tests

    • OSNMA

    • Latency compensation for ROS timestamps

    • Output of SBf block VelCovCartesian

    • Support for UDP and TCP via IP server

    • New VSM handling allows for unknown variances (INS firmware >= 1.4.1)

    • Add heading angle to GPSFix msg (by diverting dip field, cf. readme)

  • Improvements
    • Rework IO core and message handling
      • Unified stream processing

      • Internal data queue

      • Prevent message loss in file reading

    • Add some explanatory warnings for parameter mismatches

    • Add units to message definitions

  • Fixes
    • navsatfix for INS

    • Empty headers

    • Single antenna receiver setup

  • Preliminary Features
    • Output of localization and tf in ECEF frame, testing and feedback welcome

  • Commits
    • Merge pull request #83 from thomasemter/dev/next2 Update readme

    • Add expected release dates

    • Add known issues to readme

    • Update version

    • Update readme

    • Merge pull request #82 from thomasemter/dev/next2 Fix spelling

    • Categorize stream params

    • Add keep alive check for TCP

    • Fix spelling

    • Add TCP communication via static IP server

    • Add units to msgs

    • Fix spelling

    • Merge pull request #76 from thomasemter/dev/next2 upcoming release

    • Add heading to GPSFix msg

    • Move constant

    • Change log level of firmware check

    • Add improved VSM handling

    • Change INS in GNSS node detection to auto

    • Fix invald v_x var case

    • Refine readme on UDP

    • Improve server duplicate check

    • Add more info un UDP configuration

    • Fix publish check

    • Add more publishing checks for configured Rx

    • Add const for max udp packet size

    • Update readme and changelog

    • Add device check to node

    • Fix param name separators

    • Add checks for IP server duplicates

    • Add latency compensation to att msgs

    • Add device check logic

    • Add UDP params and setup logic

    • Fix multi msg per packet

    • Fix localization stamp and tf publishing

    • Change VSM to be averaged and published with 2 Hz

    • Change VSM to be averaged and published with 2 Hz

    • Always publish raw IMU data as indicated

    • Change to empty fields

    • Refine diagnostics naming scheme and add trigger to ensure emission of ReceiverSetup

    • Change diagnostics naming scheme

    • Add missing new params to gnss.yaml

    • Expand readme on AIM+

    • Reformulate readme about ROS and ROS2

    • Add custom message to report AIM+ status

    • Catch invalid UTM conversion

    • Robustify command reset

    • Add RFStatus diagnostics

    • Add VelCovCartesian output

    • Refine Rx type check

    • Add option for latency compensation

    • Fix param type misinterpretation

    • Add OSNMA msg and diagnostics

    • Update changelog

    • Refine README and fix compiled message logic

    • Update changelog

    • Add warning for configuring INS as GNSS

    • Add warn log for misconfiguration

    • Fix pose publishing rate

    • Fix navsatfix publishing

    • Make vars const

    • Merge rework of internal IO handling

    • Change connection thread

    • Fix attitude cov flipped twice

    • Add cov alignment from true north to grid north

    • Rename meridian convergence and fix sense

    • Remove obsolete define

    • Add tests

    • Rename example launch files so they are found by auto-completion

    • Merge branch ‘dev/ros2’ into dev/next2

    • Fix lat/long in rad

    • Fix readme concerning ROS 2 distros

    • Reorder localization msg filling

    • Update readme

    • Fix NED to ECEF rotation matrix

    • Add localization ECEF publishing

    • Add ecef localization msg

    • Add local to ecef transforms

    • Contributors: Thomas Emter, Tibor Dome

1.2.3 (2022-11-09)

  • New Features
    • Twist output option

    • Example config files for GNSS and INS

    • Get leap seconds from receiver

    • Firmware check

    • VSM from odometry or twist ROS messages

    • Add receiver type in case INS is used in GNSS mode

    • Add publishing of base vector topics

  • Improvements
    • Rework RTK corrections parameters and improve flexibility

  • Fixes
    • /tf not being published without /localization

    • Twist covariance matrix of localization

    • Support 5 ms period for IMU explicitly

1.2.2 (2022-06-22)

  • Fixes
    • Memory corruption under adverse conditions

  • Commits
    • Merge pull request #66 from thomasemter/dev/next2 Fix memory corruption

    • Fix parameter warnings

    • Reset buffer size to 16384

    • Update changelog

    • Fix memory corruption

    • Replace maps with unordered_maps

    • Overload timestamp function

    • Fix frame ids for INS msgs

    • Add define to avoid usage of deprecated header

    • Change readme on gps-msgs packet

    • Add info on user credentials

    • Fix spelling in readme

    • Merge remote-tracking branch ‘upstream/ros2’ into dev/next2

    • Add comment for heading from pose

    • Contributors: Thomas Emter, Tibor Dome

1.2.1 (2022-05-16)

  • New Features
    • Add login credentials

    • Activate NTP server if use_gnss_time is set to true

  • Improvements
    • Add NED option to localization

  • Fixes
    • IMU orientation for ROS axis convention

  • Commits
    • Merge pull request #63 from thomasemter/dev/next2 Small fixes and additions

    • Merge pull request #60 from wep21/support-rolling fix: modify build error for rolling/humble

    • Revert change for deprecation warning in Humble

    • Change links to reflect ROS2

    • Amend readme regarding robot_localization

    • Fix compiler warnings for humble

    • Add more explanations for IMU orientation in ROS convention

    • Fix formatting in readme

    • Fix package name in readme

    • Update readme

    • Update changelog

    • Fix IMU orientation for ROS axis orientation

    • Activate NTP only if GNSS time is used

    • Add NED option to localization

    • Set NMEA header to GP

    • Update readme and changelog

    • Activate NTP server

    • Add credentials for access control

    • fix: modify build error for rolling/humble

    • Contributors: Daisuke Nishimatsu, Thomas Emter, Tibor Dome

1.2.0 (2022-04-27)

  • New Features
    • Add option to use ROS axis orientations according to REP103

    • Add frame_id parameters

    • Add option to get frames from tf

    • Publishing of cartesian localization in UTM (topic and/or tf) for INS

    • Publishing of IMU topic for INS

    • Publishing of MeasEpoch

    • ROS2 branch

  • Improvements
    • Add multi antenna option

    • Increase number of SBF streams

    • Add option to set polling_period to “on change”

    • Increased buffer size from 8192 to 131072 bytes

    • Add endianess aware parsers

    • Only publish topics set to true

    • Add parameter to switch DEBUG logging on and off

    • Change GPxxx messages to ROS built-in types

    • Remove duplicate INS msg types

  • Fixes
    • Setting of antenna type

    • Publishing rate interconnections of gpsfix and velcovgeodetic

    • Missing quotes for antenna type

    • Broken attitude parsing pose and gpsfix from INS

    • IMU orientation was not sent to Rx

    • Graceful shutdown of threads

  • Commits
    • Merge branch ‘dev’

    • Prepare new release

    • Prepare new release

    • Merge pull request #53 from thomasemter/dev/refactor Very last changes

    • Add geographic lib dependency to package.xml

    • Add comment for frame of main antenna

    • Move utm zone locking section in readme

    • Reformulate readme section on frames

    • Merge pull request #52 from thomasemter/dev/refactor Last changes

    • Change frame id back to poi_frame_id

    • Make error log more explicit

    • Merge pull request #49 from thomasemter/dev/refactor Improve IMU blocks sync and do-not-use value handling

    • Fix buffer size in changelog

    • Turn off Nagle’s algorithm for TCP

    • Fix changelog formatting

    • Fix readme

    • Set default base frame to base_link

    • Fix valid tow check logic

    • Increase buffer size for extreme stress tests

    • Fix crc check

    • Fix and streamline tf handling

    • Add checks for validity of values

    • Fix rad vs deg

    • Update changelog

    • Add some comments

    • Set stdDevMask to values > 0.0 in node

    • Set stdDevMask to values > 0.0

    • Add info on RNDIS and set it to default

    • Increase default serial baud rate

    • Add parameter to set log level to debug

    • Change defaults for publishers in node

    • Put publish params together and fix mismatch in readme

    • Improve IMU blocks sync and do-not-use value handling

    • Merge pull request #48 from thomasemter/dev/refactor Fix measepoch not publishing without gpsfix

    • Fix measepoch not publishing without gpsfix

    • Merge pull request #47 from thomasemter/dev/refactor Dev/refactor

    • Publish only messages set to true

    • Remove leftover declaration

    • Merge branch ‘dev/endianess_agnostic’ into dev/refactor

    • Update readme to reflect endianess aware parsing

    • Remove msg smart pointers

    • Fix array assertion failure

    • Cleanup

    • Add ReceiverStatus parser

    • Add QualityInd parser

    • Add DOP parser

    • Add ReceiverSetup parser

    • Fix MeasEpoch and ChannelStatus parsers, add measepoch publishing

    • Add ChannelStatus parser

    • Add MeasEpoch parser

    • Add IMU and VelSensor setup parsers

    • Add Cov SBF parsers

    • Add templated qi parser function

    • Add AttEuler+Cov parser

    • Revert ordering change inside INSNav ROS msgs

    • Add ExtSensorMeas parser

    • Add PVT parsers

    • Add range checks to parsers

    • Replace INSNav grammar with parsers

    • Test parser vs. grammar for better performance

    • Fix sb_list check

    • Add IMU and VelSensor setup grammars

    • Move adapt ROS header to typedefs.h

    • Add revision check to MeasEpoch

    • Fix ReceiverStatus grammar

    • Extend ReceiverSetup and add revision checks

    • Change logger and fix loop range

    • Remove reserved bytes from parsing

    • Remove obsolete structs

    • Directly parse Cov SBFs to ROS msg

    • Directly parse PVT SBFs, remove obsolete ids

    • Rename rev to revision

    • Fix block header parsing

    • Directly parse AttEuler to ROS msg

    • Directly parse to ROS msgs for INSNavXxx

    • Exchange pow with square function and remove casts

    • Merge pull request #46 from thomasemter/dev/refactor Dev/refactor

    • Simplify sync bytes check

    • Move tow/wnc to BlockHeader

    • Adjust order in INSNav ros msgs

    • Fix INSNav grammars

    • Change BlockHeader structure

    • Remove length ref from header

    • Rectify sb_list check of INSNavXxx

    • Add automtatic activation of multi-antenna mode

    • Merge branch ‘dev/refactor’ of into dev/refactor

    • Add automtatic activation of multi-antenna mode

    • Fix wrong scope of phoenix::ref variables

    • Fix AttEuler grammar

    • Add max size checks to QualityInd and ReceiverStatus

    • Replace locals with phoenix::ref in grammars

    • Add revision dependent parsing to PVTs

    • Change offset check to epsilon

    • Change offset check to epsilon

    • Fix parsing checks

    • Set has arrived to false on parsing error

    • Add INSNav grammars

    • Add abs to offset check

    • Add abs to offset check

    • Add Cov grammars

    • Remove superfluous typdefs of structs

    • Add ReceiverStatus grammar

    • Add QualityINd grammar

    • Merge pull request #45 from thomasemter/dev/refactor Dev/refactor

    • Add id check to header grammar

    • Add id check to header grammar

    • Add ReceiverSetup grammar

    • Add DOP grammar

    • Directly intialize vector to parse

    • Add MeasEpoch grammar

    • Remove duplicate msg types

    • Remove obsolete include

    • Add revision and length return to header grammar

    • Merge branch ‘feature/endianess_agnostic’ into dev/endianess_agnostic

    • Make multi_antenna option also usable for gnss

    • Add typedefs plus some minor changes

    • Add warning concerning pitch angle if antennas are rotated

    • Add multi antenna option to ins and fix antenna offset decimal places trimming

    • Fix identation

    • Distinguish between gnss and ins for spatial config from tf

    • Merge pull request #43 from thomasemter/dev/refactor Dev/refactor

    • Add vehicle frame for clarity

    • Handle missing tf more gently

    • Merge branch ‘dev/spatial_config_via_tf’ into dev/refactor

    • Update readme

    • Fix antenna offset from tf

    • Add automatic publishing of localization if tf is activated

    • Add automatic publishing of localization if tf is activated

    • Add spatial config via tf, to be tested

    • Fix crashes due to parsing errors (replacing uncatched throws)

    • Add tf broadcasting

    • Add comments

    • Add localization in UTM output

    • Add check to IMU msg sync

    • Change msg sync to allow for 200 Hz IMU msgs

    • Add ROS IMU msg

    • Fix IMU setup message attitude conversion

    • Fix pose from INS data

    • Fix IMU raw data rotation compensation

    • Make antenna attitude offset usable by GNSS

    • Add ros directions option to pose and fix covariances

    • Update readme

    • Merge branch ‘feature/ros_axis_orientation’ into dev/refactor

    • Add nmea_msgs dependencies

    • Merge branch ‘dev/nmea’ into dev/refactor

    • Update readme

    • Update readme

    • Add antenna offsets to conversions

    • Fix IMU orientation conversion

    • Change ExtSensorMead temperature to deg C

    • Add axis orientation info to readme

    • Fix IMU axis orientation

    • Change get int param

    • Update readme to reflect removal of aux antenna offset

    • Fix different antenna setup message for INS and remove obsolete aux1 antenna offset for GNSS

    • Fix ExtSensorMeas message filling

    • Fix ExtSensorMeas message to reflect available fields

    • Fix missing INS blocks

    • Fix missing INS blocks

    • WIP, introduce ros axis orientation option, to be tested

    • Add option to set pvt rate to OnChange

    • Add comment on NTP to readme

    • Change to nmea_msgs

    • Add automatic addition of needed sub messages

    • Comment out setting debug level

    • Add comments and fix spelling errors

    • Merge pull request #42 from thomasemter/dev/refactor Dev/refactor

    • Change to quaternion msg typedef

    • Comment out debug logging

    • Remove filling of seq field

    • Change msg definitions to be compatible with ROS2

    • Update readme

    • Change make_shared for portability and add more typedefs

    • Add get param int fallback for numeric antenna serial numbers

    • Change Attitude to be published with pvt rate

    • Add log identifier

    • Add checks for relevant ros params

    • Concatenate multiple SBF blocks in streams

    • Move main into own file

    • Move get ros time to AsyncManager

    • Remove obsolete param comment

    • Move get ros params to base class

    • Change to nsec timestamp internally

    • Add publishing functionality to node base class

    • Move node handle ptr and functions to base class and rename

    • Add stamp to nmea parsing

    • Add logging in PcapReader

    • Add logging in CircularBuffer

    • Add missed logging

    • Add logging in AsyncManager

    • Add getTime function

    • Add logging in RxMessage

    • Add logging in CallbackHandlers

    • Add log function to node by polymorphism, logging in Comm_OI

    • Fix wait function and force use_gnss_time when reading from file

    • Add thread shutdown and remove spurious delete

    • Add typedefs for ins messages

    • Add typedefs for gnss messages

    • Add typedefs for ros messages

    • Refine shutdown

    • Fix shutdown escalating to SIGTERM

    • Move waiting for response in send function

    • Make functions private

    • Change crc to C++

    • Fix variable name

    • Remove global variables from node cpp file

    • Move more global settings to settings struct

    • Move more global settings to settings struct

    • Move global settings to settings struct

    • Move more functions to Comm_IO

    • Move settings to struct and configuration to Comm_IO

    • Merge branch ‘dev/change_utc_calculation’ into dev/refactor

    • Remove obsolete global variables

    • Move g_unix_time to class

    • Make has_arrived booleans class memebers and rx_message a persistent class

    • Make node handle a class member

    • Fix parsing of ID and rev

    • Finish ChannelStatusGrammar, to be tested

    • WIP, partially fix ChannelStatusGrammar

    • Add SBF length parsing utility

    • Insert spirit parsers

    • WIP, add omission of padding bytes

    • WIP, add more spirit parsers

    • Add parsing utilities for tow, wnc and ID

    • Move getId/Tow/Wnc to parsing utilities

    • Change UTC calculation to use tow and wnc

    • WIP, add boost spirit and endian buffers

    • Change UTC calculation to use tow and wnc

  • ROS2 Commits
    • Prepare ros2 release

    • Merge pull request #54 from thomasemter/dev/ros2 ROS2 branch

    • Port driver to ros2

  • Change UTC calculation to use tow and wnc

  • Contributors: Thomas Emter, Tibor Dome, tibordome

1.0.8 (2021-10-23)

  • Added INS Support

1.0.7 (2021-05-18)

  • Clang formatting, publishing from SBF log, play-back of PCAP files

1.0.6 (2020-10-16)

  • ROSaic binary installation now available on Melodic & Noetic

1.0.5 (2020-10-15)

  • changed repo name

  • v1.0.4

  • 1.0.3

  • Merge pull request #22 from septentrio-gnss/local_tibor New changelog

  • New changelog

  • Merge pull request #21 from septentrio-gnss/local_tibor Added rosdoc.yaml file

  • Merge pull request #20 from septentrio-gnss/local_tibor Improved doxygen annotations

  • Merge pull request #19 from septentrio-gnss/local_tibor Improved doxygen annotations

  • Update

  • Merge pull request #18 from septentrio-gnss/local_tibor Adopted ROS and C++ conventions, added ROS diagnostics msg,

  • Update

  • Update

  • Update

  • Contributors: septentrio-users, tibordome

1.0.4 (2020-10-11)

  • Added rosdoc.yaml file

  • Improved doxygen annotations

  • Improved doxygen annotations

  • Adopted ROS and C++ conventions, added ROS diagnostics msg, removed ROS garbage value bug, added auto-detection of SBF arrival order for composite ROS msgs

  • Merge branch ‘master’ of

  • NTRIP with Datalink, circular buffer, reading connection descriptor, new messages

  • Update

  • Contributors: septentrio-users, tibordome

1.0.3 (2020-09-30)

  • Add new config/rover.yaml file

  • Add config/rover.yaml to .gitignore

  • Merge pull request #17 from septentrio-gnss/local_tibor NTRIP with Datalink, circular buffer, reading connection descriptor..

  • Merge branch ‘local_tibor’

  • NTRIP with Datalink, circular buffer, reading connection descriptor, new messages

  • Update

  • Update

  • Update

  • Merge pull request #16 from septentrio-gnss/local_tibor NTRIP parameters added, reconnect_delay_s implemented,

  • Update

  • Update

  • Update

  • Update

  • Update

  • Update

  • Merge pull request #15 from tibordome/local_tibor GPSFix completed, datum as new parameter

  • Update

  • Update

  • Update

  • Update

  • Update

  • Update

  • Update

  • Update

  • Update

  • Update

  • Update

  • Update

  • Update

  • Merge pull request #14 from tibordome/local_tibor GPSFix completed, datum as new parameter

  • Update

  • Update

  • Update

  • Update

  • Update

  • Update

  • Merge pull request #13 from tibordome/local_tibor Added AttCovEuler.msg and AttEuler.msg

  • Merge pull request #12 from tibordome/local_tibor Fixed service field of NavSatStatus

  • Contributors: Tibor Dome, septentrio-users, tibordome

1.0.2 (2020-09-25)

  • NTRIP parameters added, reconnect_delay_s implemented, package.xml updated, ROSaic now detects connection descriptor automatically, mosaic serial port parameter added

  • GPSFix completed, datum as new parameter, ANT type and marker-to-arp distances as new parameters, BlockLength() method corrected, sending multiple commands to Rx corrected by means of mutex

  • Contributors: tibordome

1.0.1 (2020-09-22)

  • GPSFix completed, datum as new parameter, ANT type and marker-to-arp distances as new parameters, BlockLength() method corrected, sending multiple commands to Rx corrected by means of mutex

  • Added AttCovEuler.msg and AttEuler.msg

  • Fixed service field of NavSatStatus, fixed ROS header’s seq field of each published ROS message, added write method for sending commands to Rx, successfully tested, added AttEuler, added AttCovEuler

  • Update

  • Update

  • Update

  • Update

  • Update

  • Update

  • Update

  • Update

  • Update

  • Update

  • Update

  • Merge pull request #11 from tibordome/local_tibor rosconsole_backend_interface dependency not needed

  • rosconsole_backend_interface dependency not needed

  • Merge pull request #10 from tibordome/local_tibor rosconsole_log4cxx dep not needed

  • rosconsole_log4cxx dep not needed

  • Merge pull request #9 from tibordome/local_tibor rosconsole_log4cxx dep not needed

  • rosconsole_log4cxx dep not needed

  • Merge pull request #8 from tibordome/local_tibor Local tibor

  • Update

  • Merge pull request #7 from tibordome/local_tibor Ready for First Release

  • Update

  • Update

  • Update

  • Merge pull request #6 from tibordome/local_tibor Local tibor

  • Merge pull request #5 from tibordome/local_tibor TCP seems to work

  • Contributors: Tibor Dome, tibordome

1.0.0 (2020-09-11)

  • Ready for first release

  • Added Gpgga.msg and PosCovGeodetic.msg files

  • Ready for First Release

  • Ready for first release

  • Ready for first release

  • Ready for first release

  • TCP bug removed

  • TCP bug removed

  • TCP seems to work

  • Merge pull request #4 from tibordome/v0.2 V0.2

  • PVTCartesian and PVTGeodetic publishing works on serial

  • PVTCartesian and PVTGeodetic publishing works on serial

  • Merge pull request #3 from tibordome/v0.2 Add doxygen_out and Doxyfile 2nd trial

  • Add doxygen_out and Doxyfile 2nd trial

  • Merge pull request #2 from tibordome/v0.1 Add doxygen_out and Doxyfile

  • Add doxygen_out and Doxyfile

  • Update

  • Create

  • Update LICENSE

  • Merge pull request #1 from tibordome/add-license-1 Create LICENSE

  • Create LICENSE

  • Create LICENSE

  • Commit

  • Successfully tested publishing to /gpgga topic via serial

  • To make sure master branch exists

  • Contributors: Tibor Dome, tibordome