Template Class ImageTransportDisplay

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

  • public rviz_common::_RosTopicDisplay

Class Documentation

template<class MessageType>
class ImageTransportDisplay : public rviz_common::_RosTopicDisplay

Public Types

typedef ImageTransportDisplay<MessageType> ITDClass

Convenience typedef so subclasses don’t have to use the long templated class name to refer to their super class.

Public Functions

inline ImageTransportDisplay()
inline virtual void onInitialize() override

When overriding this method, the onInitialize() method of this superclass has to be called. Otherwise, the ros node will not be initialized.

inline ~ImageTransportDisplay() override
inline virtual void reset() override
inline virtual void setTopic(const QString &topic, const QString &datatype) override

Protected Functions

inline void updateTopic() override
inline virtual void subscribe()
inline void transformerChangedCallback() override
inline void resetSubscription()
inline virtual void unsubscribe()
inline virtual void onEnable() override
inline virtual void onDisable() override
inline void incomingMessage(const typename MessageType::ConstSharedPtr msg)

Incoming message callback.

Checks if the message pointer is valid, increments messages_received_, then calls processMessage().

virtual void processMessage(typename MessageType::ConstSharedPtr msg) = 0

Implement this to process the contents of a message.

This is called by incomingMessage().

Protected Attributes

uint32_t messages_received_
std::shared_ptr<image_transport::SubscriberFilter> subscription_
rclcpp::Time subscription_start_time_
message_filters::Connection subscription_callback_