Changelog for package rmf_robot_sim_gz_plugins

2.3.2 (2024-06-15)

2.3.1 (2024-06-12)

2.3.0 (2024-06-01)

  • Port outdated actions to Noble (#122)

  • Refactor plugins in an ECS based way and migrate to Harmonic (#114)

  • Contributors: Arjo Chakravarty, Grey, Luca Della Vedova

2.2.2 (2023-12-20)

  • Sanitize node names to avoid plugin exceptions (#110)

  • Contributors: Luca Della Vedova

2.2.1 (2023-06-30)

2.2.0 (2023-06-08)

2.1.0 (2023-06-06)

  • Switch to rst changelogs (#101)

  • Contributors: Yadunund

2.0.0 (2022-XX-XX)

  • Renamed to rmf_robot_sim_gz_plugins and Humble migration (#77)

  • Checking for models with dispensable in names to not be considered an obstacle by slotcar (#74)

  • Change to use a pure pursuit controller for ackermann vehicles (#71)

  • Upgrade to Ignition Fortress (#70)

  • Contributors: Aaron Chong, Luca Della Vedova, Morgan Quigley, Yadunund, chianfern, ddengster

1.3.1 (2021-30-11)

  • Making install location package specific to fix (#100). (#60)

  • Contributors: Marco A. Gutierrez

1.3.0 (2021-09-01)

  • Make Ignition Edifice dependency mandatory to fix binary builds (#45)

  • Change parameter tag from holonomic to steering (#46)

  • Change slotcar control to explicitly open loop (#43)

  • Nonholonomic slotcar turning fixes, add turning multiplier offset parameter, rename compute_ds variables (#41)

  • Support nonholonomic movement for slotcar (#33)

  • Skip updating ignition plugins when simulation is paused (#34)

  • Fix/dependencies (#26)

  • Add quality declaration documents (#1)

  • Add build and style actions (#11)

  • Update to Ignition Edifice (#8)

  • Slotcar plugin package move and utils cleanup (#5)

  • account for renaming from building_map_msgs to rmf_building_map_msgs (#3)

  • Package renames (#2)

  • Contributors: Charayaphan Nakorn Boon Han, Geoffrey Biggs, Luca Della Vedova, Marco A. Gutiérrez, ddengster

1.2.0 (2021-01-06)

  • Provides the readonly Ignition plugin that emulates the behavior of a read_only fleet type. When attached to a steerable vehicle that operates on a known traffic graph, the plugin publishes a prediction of the vehicle's intended path to the rmf traffic database via its configured read_only_fleet_adapter. Other fleets operating in the space can plan routes to avoid the path of this vehicle.

  • Provides TeleportDispenser Ignition plugin that is attached to the TeleportDispenser model in rmf_demo_assets. When loaded into Gazebo along side a "payload" model, the plugin will teleport the payload onto the nearest robot when it registers a rmf_dispenser_msgs::DispenserRequest message with target_guid matching its model name.

  • Provides TeleportIngestor Ignition plugin that is attached to the TeleportIngestor model in rmf_demo_assets. When loaded into Gazebo, the plugin will teleport the payload off the nearest robot and onto its location, when it registers a rmf_dispenser_msgs::DispenserRequest message with target_guid matching its model name.

  • Contributors: Aaron Chong, Luca Della Vedova, Yadunund, Rushyendra Maganty