Program Listing for File utils.hpp

Return to documentation for file (include/rmf_robot_sim_common/utils.hpp)

 * Copyright (C) 2020 Open Source Robotics Foundation
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


#include <rclcpp/rclcpp.hpp>
#include <memory>
#include <Eigen/Geometry>

namespace rmf_plugins_utils {

enum Simulator {Ignition, Gazebo};

// Holds an identifier referring to either an Ignition or Gazebo classic entity
// Contains either a uint64_t value or a std::string value depending on `sim_type`
// Enables functions to be written that generically operate on both Ignition or Gazebo entities
struct SimEntity
  Simulator sim_type;
  uint64_t entity; // If used for Ignition Gazebo
  std::string name; // If used for Gazebo classic

  SimEntity(uint64_t en)
  : sim_type(Ignition), entity(en)
    name = "";
  SimEntity(std::string nm)
  : sim_type(Gazebo), name(nm)
    entity = 0;

  const std::string& get_name() const
    if (sim_type != Gazebo)
      std::cerr << "SimEntity Ignition object does not hold a name."
                << std::endl;
    return name;

  uint64_t get_entity() const
    if (sim_type != Ignition)
      std::cerr << "SimEntity Gazebo object does not hold a uint64_t entity."
                << std::endl;
    return entity;

struct MotionParams
  double v_max = 0.2;
  double a_max = 0.1;
  double a_nom = 0.08;
  double dx_min = 0.01;
  double f_max = 10000000.0;

double compute_desired_rate_of_change(
  double _s_target,              // Displacement to destination
  double _v_actual,              // Current velocity
  double _speed_target_now,      // Target speed now while on route
  double _speed_target_dest,     // Target speed at destination
  const MotionParams& _motion_params,
  const double _dt);

rclcpp::Time simulation_now(double t);

void sanitize_node_name(std::string& node_name);

template<typename SdfPtrT, typename SdfElementPtrT>
bool get_element_required(
  SdfPtrT& _sdf,
  const std::string& _element_name,
  SdfElementPtrT& _element)
  if (!_sdf->HasElement(_element_name))
    std::cerr << "Element [" << _element_name << "] not found" << std::endl;
    return false;
  // using GetElementImpl() because for sdf::v9 GetElement() is not const
  _element = _sdf->GetElementImpl(_element_name);
  return true;

template<typename T, typename SdfPtrT>
bool get_sdf_attribute_required(SdfPtrT& sdf, const std::string& attribute_name,
  T& value)
  if (sdf->HasAttribute(attribute_name))
    if (sdf->GetAttribute(attribute_name)->Get(value))
      std::cout << "Using specified attribute value [" << value
                << "] for property [" << attribute_name << "]"
                << std::endl;
      return true;
      std::cerr << "Failed to parse sdf attribute for [" << attribute_name
                << "]" << std::endl;
    std::cerr << "Attribute [" << attribute_name << "] not found" << std::endl;

  return false;

template<typename T, typename SdfPtrT>
bool get_sdf_param_required(SdfPtrT& sdf, const std::string& parameter_name,
  T& value)
  if (sdf->HasElement(parameter_name))
    if (sdf->GetElement(parameter_name)->GetValue()->Get(value))
      std::cout << "Using specified value [" << value << "] for property ["
                << parameter_name << "]" << std::endl;
      return true;
      std::cerr << "Failed to parse sdf value for [" << parameter_name << "]"
    std::cerr << "Property [" << parameter_name << "] not found" << std::endl;

  return false;

template<typename T, typename SdfPtrT>
void get_sdf_param_if_available(SdfPtrT& sdf, const std::string& parameter_name,
  T& value)
  if (sdf->HasElement(parameter_name))
    if (sdf->GetElement(parameter_name)->GetValue()->Get(value))
      std::cout << "Using specified value [" << value << "] for property ["
                << parameter_name << "]" << std::endl;
      std::cerr << "Failed to parse sdf value for [" << parameter_name
                << "]" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Using default value [" << value << "] for property ["
              << parameter_name << "]" << std::endl;

template<typename ResultMsgT>
std::shared_ptr<ResultMsgT> make_response(uint8_t status,
  const double sim_time,
  const std::string& request_guid,
  const std::string& guid)
  std::shared_ptr<ResultMsgT> response = std::make_shared<ResultMsgT>();
  response->time = simulation_now(sim_time);
  response->request_guid = request_guid;
  response->source_guid = guid;
  response->status = status;
  return response;
// Version agnostic conversion functions between Ignition Math and Eigen. Removes need for Ignition
// Math dependencies in rmf_robot_sim_common

template<typename IgnQuatT>
inline void convert(const Eigen::Quaterniond& _q, IgnQuatT& quat)
  quat.W() = _q.w();
  quat.X() = _q.x();
  quat.Y() = _q.y();
  quat.Z() = _q.z();

template<typename IgnVec3T>
inline void convert(const Eigen::Vector3d& _v, IgnVec3T& vec)
  vec.X() = _v[0];
  vec.Y() = _v[1];
  vec.Z() = _v[2];

template<typename IgnVec3T>
inline Eigen::Vector3d convert_vec(const IgnVec3T& _v)
  return Eigen::Vector3d(_v[0], _v[1], _v[2]);

template<typename IgnQuatT>
inline Eigen::Quaterniond convert_quat(const IgnQuatT& _q)
  Eigen::Quaterniond quat;
  quat.w() = _q.W();
  quat.x() = _q.X();
  quat.y() = _q.Y();
  quat.z() = _q.Z();

  return quat;

template<typename IgnPoseT>
inline auto convert_to_pose(const Eigen::Isometry3d& _tf)
  IgnPoseT pose;
  convert(Eigen::Vector3d(_tf.translation()), pose.Pos());
  convert(Eigen::Quaterniond(_tf.linear()), pose.Rot());

  return pose;

template<typename IgnPoseT>
inline Eigen::Isometry3d convert_pose(const IgnPoseT& _pose)
  Eigen::Isometry3d tf = Eigen::Isometry3d::Identity();
  tf.translation() = convert_vec(_pose.Pos());
  tf.linear() = Eigen::Matrix3d(convert_quat(_pose.Rot()));

  return tf;

} // namespace rmf_plugins_utils