Program Listing for File master_board_interface.h

Return to documentation for file (include/master_board_sdk/master_board_interface.h)


#include <mutex>
#include <chrono>

#ifndef __APPLE__
#include "master_board_sdk/ESPNOW_manager.h"
#include "master_board_sdk/ETHERNET_manager.h"
#include "master_board_sdk/defines.h"
#include "master_board_sdk/motor_driver.h"
#include "master_board_sdk/motor.h"

#define MAX_HIST 20

class MasterBoardInterface : public LINK_manager_callback
    MasterBoardInterface(const std::string &if_name, bool listener_mode = false);
    MasterBoardInterface(const MasterBoardInterface&);
    int Init();
    int Stop();
    static void KeyboardStop(int signum);
    void SetMasterboardTimeoutMS(uint8_t); //Set the Master board timeout in ms
    int SendInit();
    int SendCommand();                                       //Send the command packet to the master board

    void ParseSensorData();                              //Parse and convert the latest received sensor data. User need to call this before reading any field.

    void PrintIMU();                                             //Print IMU data on stdout. Usefull for debug.
    void PrintPowerBoard();
    void PrintADC();                                             //Print ACD data on stdout. Usefull for debug.
    void PrintMotors();                                      //Print motors data on stdout. Usefull for debug.
    void PrintMotorDrivers();                            //Print motor drivers data on stdout. Usefull for debug.  void PrintMotors(); //Print Motors data on stdout. Usefull for debug.
    void PrintStats();

    void ResetTimeout();  // Reset the interface after at timeout to send packets again
    bool IsTimeout();     // Check if a timeout has been triggered because the master board did not respond

    bool IsAckMsgReceived();

    int GetSessionId();
    int GetProtocolVersion();

    uint32_t GetSensorsSent();
    uint32_t GetSensorsLost();
    uint32_t GetCmdSent();
    uint32_t GetCmdLost();
    uint16_t GetLastRecvCmdIndex();
    uint16_t GetCmdPacketIndex();
    int GetSensorHistogram(int index);
    int GetCmdHistogram(int index);

    void ResetPacketLossStats();

    static MasterBoardInterface* instance;
    void callback(uint8_t src_mac[6], uint8_t *data, int len);
    uint8_t my_mac_[6];     // = {0xa0, 0x1d, 0x48, 0x12, 0xa0, 0xc5};   //{0xF8, 0x1A, 0x67, 0xb7, 0xEB, 0x0B};
    uint8_t dest_mac_[6]; //Broatcast to prevent acknoledgment behaviour
    LINK_manager *link_handler_ = NULL;
    uint8_t payload_[127];
    std::string if_name_;
    bool listener_mode = false; // listener mode, allows to gather sensor packets data and to get rid of session id checking
                                // doesn't allow to send commands
    struct command_packet_t command_packet;
    struct sensor_packet_t sensor_packet;
    struct dual_motor_driver_sensor_data_t dual_motor_driver_sensor_data[N_SLAVES];
    struct imu_data_t imu_data;
    struct powerboard_data_t powerboard_data;

    bool first_sensor_received = false;

    uint16_t nb_sensors_recv = 0;
    uint16_t last_sensor_index = 0;
    uint32_t nb_sensors_sent = 0;
    uint32_t nb_sensors_lost = 0;
    uint16_t last_recv_cmd_index = 0;
    int histogram_lost_sensor_packets[MAX_HIST]; //histogram_lost_packets[0] is the number of single packet loss, histogram_lost_packets[1] is the number of two consecutive packet loss, etc...

    uint16_t cmd_packet_index = 0;
    uint16_t last_cmd_packet_loss = 0;
    uint32_t nb_cmd_sent = 0;
    uint32_t nb_cmd_lost = 0;
    int histogram_lost_cmd_packets[MAX_HIST];   //histogram_lost_packets[0] is the number of single packet loss, histogram_lost_packets[1] is the number of two consecutive packet loss, etc...

    std::mutex received_packet_mutex;

    // Time duration [ms] after which the MasterBoardInterface shuts down if the
    // master board is not responding while waiting for acknowledge msg (timeout)
    std::chrono::milliseconds t_before_shutdown_ack{2500};

    // Time duration [ms] after which the MasterBoardInterface shuts down if the
    // master board is not responding (timeout)
    std::chrono::milliseconds t_before_shutdown_control{50};

    // Time point that is updated each time a packet is received
    std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point t_last_packet =
    // We initialize this value only upon the first call of SendCommand
    bool first_command_sent_ = false;

    // Is true if the MasterBoardInterface has been shut down due to timeout
    bool timeout = false;

    struct init_packet_t init_packet;
    struct ack_packet_t ack_packet;

    int session_id = -1; // -1 means not set

    void GenerateSessionId();

    bool init_sent = false;
    bool ack_received = false;

    Motor motors[N_SLAVES * 2];
    MotorDriver motor_drivers[N_SLAVES];

    // Set functions for Python binding with Boost
    void set_motors(Motor motors []); // See definition in .cpp
    void set_motor_drivers(MotorDriver motor_drivers []); // See definition in .cpp

    // Get functions for Python binding with Boost
    MotorDriver* GetDriver(int i) { return &(this->motor_drivers[i]); };
    Motor* GetMotor(int i) { return &(this->motors[i]); };
    float imu_data_accelerometer(int i) { return (this->imu_data.accelerometer[i]); };
    float imu_data_gyroscope(int i) { return (this->imu_data.gyroscope[i]); };
    float imu_data_attitude(int i) { return (this->imu_data.attitude[i]); };
    float imu_data_linear_acceleration(int i) { return (this->imu_data.linear_acceleration[i]); };
    float powerboard_current() { return powerboard_data.current_bus; };
    float powerboard_voltage() { return powerboard_data.voltage_bus; };
    float powerboard_energy() { return powerboard_data.energy_bus; };
    imu_data_t get_imu_data() const { return imu_data; }

