Class NetworkBridge

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

  • public rclcpp::Node

Class Documentation

class NetworkBridge : public rclcpp::Node

A class that provides bridging of ROS2 topics over a network interface.

The NetworkBridge class is derived from the rclcpp::Node class and provides functionality for sending and receiving telemetry data over network. It handles the setup of a network interface, parsing and creating headers, compressing and decompressing data, and error handling. The class also manages the ROS 2 subscriptions, timers, and publishers associated with the communication.

Public Functions

explicit NetworkBridge(const std::string &node_name)

Constructs a NetworkBridge object.

This constructor initializes a NetworkBridge object with the specified node name.


node_name – The name of the ROS 2 node.

virtual void initialize()

Loads parameters, loads network interface, and opens the network interface.

It should be called before any other functions are called on the object.

Protected Functions

virtual void load_parameters()

Loads default parameters and creates subsciption managers for each topic.

virtual void load_network_interface()

Loads the network interface as a dynamic plugin and initializes it.

virtual void receive_data(std::span<const uint8_t> data)

Callback function for handling received data.


data – The data to be received, represented as a span.

virtual void send_data(std::shared_ptr<SubscriptionManager> manager)

Sends data to the network interface.


manager – A shared pointer to the SubscriptionManager object.

virtual std::vector<uint8_t> create_header(const std::string &topic, const std::string &msg_type)

Creates a header for the message.

  • topic – The topic of the message.

  • msg_type – The type of the message.

  • header – The header to be created.

virtual void parse_header(const std::vector<uint8_t> &header, std::string &topic, std::string &msg_type, double &time)

Parses the header of the message.

  • header – The header to be parsed.

  • topic – The topic of the message.

  • msg_type – The type of the message.

  • time – The time the message was sent.

virtual void compress(std::vector<uint8_t> const &data, std::vector<uint8_t> &compressed_data, int zstd_compression_level = 3)

Compresses the given data using Zstandard compression algorithm.

  • data – The input data to be compressed.

  • compressed_data – [out] The vector to store the compressed data.

  • zstd_compression_level – The compression level to be used (default: 3).

virtual void decompress(std::span<const uint8_t> compressed_data, std::vector<uint8_t> &data)

Decompresses the given compressed data.

This function takes a span of compressed data and decompresses it, storing the result in the provided data vector

  • compressed_data – The compressed data to be decompressed.

  • data – [out] The vector to store the decompressed data.

Protected Attributes

pluginlib::ClassLoader<network_bridge::NetworkInterface> loader_

A class template that provides a plugin loader for network interfaces.

Template Parameters:

InterfaceT – The interface type that the loaded plugins must implement.

std::string network_interface_name_

The name of the network interface plugin.

std::shared_ptr<network_bridge::NetworkInterface> network_interface_

A shared pointer to an instance of the network_bridge::NetworkInterface class.

std::vector<std::shared_ptr<SubscriptionManager>> sub_mgrs_

A vector of the SubscriptionManager’s for each topic.

These are stored to keep them from going out of scope, but are not used directly.

std::vector<rclcpp::TimerBase::SharedPtr> timers_

A vector of timers for sending each received topic over network.

These are stroed to keep them from going out of scope.

See also


std::map<std::string, rclcpp::GenericPublisher::SharedPtr> publishers_

A map that stores the publisher object against the topic name.

std::string publish_namespace_

the namespace for the publishers.