Program Listing for File node_hybrid.hpp

Return to documentation for file (include/nav2_smac_planner/node_hybrid.hpp)

// Copyright (c) 2020, Samsung Research America
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License. Reserved.


#include <math.h>
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
#include <queue>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include <limits>

#include "ompl/base/StateSpace.h"

#include "nav2_smac_planner/constants.hpp"
#include "nav2_smac_planner/types.hpp"
#include "nav2_smac_planner/collision_checker.hpp"
#include "nav2_smac_planner/costmap_downsampler.hpp"
#include "nav2_costmap_2d/costmap_2d_ros.hpp"
#include "nav2_costmap_2d/inflation_layer.hpp"

namespace nav2_smac_planner

typedef std::vector<float> LookupTable;
typedef std::pair<double, double> TrigValues;

typedef std::pair<float, uint64_t> ObstacleHeuristicElement;
struct ObstacleHeuristicComparator
  bool operator()(const ObstacleHeuristicElement & a, const ObstacleHeuristicElement & b) const
    return a.first > b.first;

typedef std::vector<ObstacleHeuristicElement> ObstacleHeuristicQueue;

// Must forward declare
class NodeHybrid;

struct HybridMotionTable
  HybridMotionTable() {}

  void initDubin(
    unsigned int & size_x_in,
    unsigned int & size_y_in,
    unsigned int & angle_quantization_in,
    SearchInfo & search_info);

  void initReedsShepp(
    unsigned int & size_x_in,
    unsigned int & size_y_in,
    unsigned int & angle_quantization_in,
    SearchInfo & search_info);

  MotionPoses getProjections(const NodeHybrid * node);

  unsigned int getClosestAngularBin(const double & theta);

  float getAngleFromBin(const unsigned int & bin_idx);

  MotionModel motion_model = MotionModel::UNKNOWN;
  MotionPoses projections;
  unsigned int size_x;
  unsigned int num_angle_quantization;
  float num_angle_quantization_float;
  float min_turning_radius;
  float bin_size;
  float change_penalty;
  float non_straight_penalty;
  float cost_penalty;
  float reverse_penalty;
  float travel_distance_reward;
  bool downsample_obstacle_heuristic;
  bool use_quadratic_cost_penalty;
  ompl::base::StateSpacePtr state_space;
  std::vector<std::vector<double>> delta_xs;
  std::vector<std::vector<double>> delta_ys;
  std::vector<TrigValues> trig_values;
  std::vector<float> travel_costs;

class NodeHybrid
  typedef NodeHybrid * NodePtr;
  typedef std::unique_ptr<std::vector<NodeHybrid>> Graph;
  typedef std::vector<NodePtr> NodeVector;

  struct Coordinates
    Coordinates() {}

    Coordinates(const float & x_in, const float & y_in, const float & theta_in)
    : x(x_in), y(y_in), theta(theta_in)

    inline bool operator==(const Coordinates & rhs)
      return this->x == rhs.x && this->y == rhs.y && this->theta == rhs.theta;

    inline bool operator!=(const Coordinates & rhs)
      return !(*this == rhs);

    float x, y, theta;

  typedef std::vector<Coordinates> CoordinateVector;

  explicit NodeHybrid(const uint64_t index);


  bool operator==(const NodeHybrid & rhs)
    return this->_index == rhs._index;

  inline void setPose(const Coordinates & pose_in)
    pose = pose_in;

  void reset();

  inline float getAccumulatedCost()
    return _accumulated_cost;

  inline void setAccumulatedCost(const float & cost_in)
    _accumulated_cost = cost_in;

  inline void setMotionPrimitiveIndex(const unsigned int & idx, const TurnDirection & turn_dir)
    _motion_primitive_index = idx;
    _turn_dir = turn_dir;

  inline unsigned int & getMotionPrimitiveIndex()
    return _motion_primitive_index;

  inline TurnDirection & getTurnDirection()
    return _turn_dir;

  inline float getCost()
    return _cell_cost;

  inline bool wasVisited()
    return _was_visited;

  inline void visited()
    _was_visited = true;

  inline uint64_t getIndex()
    return _index;

  bool isNodeValid(const bool & traverse_unknown, GridCollisionChecker * collision_checker);

  float getTraversalCost(const NodePtr & child);

  static inline uint64_t getIndex(
    const unsigned int & x, const unsigned int & y, const unsigned int & angle,
    const unsigned int & width, const unsigned int & angle_quantization)
    return static_cast<uint64_t>(angle) + static_cast<uint64_t>(x) *
           static_cast<uint64_t>(angle_quantization) +
           static_cast<uint64_t>(y) * static_cast<uint64_t>(width) *

  static inline uint64_t getIndex(
    const unsigned int & x, const unsigned int & y, const unsigned int & angle)
    return getIndex(
      x, y, angle, motion_table.size_x,

  static inline Coordinates getCoords(
    const uint64_t & index,
    const unsigned int & width, const unsigned int & angle_quantization)
    return Coordinates(
      (index / angle_quantization) % width,    // x
      index / (angle_quantization * width),    // y
      index % angle_quantization);    // theta

  static float getHeuristicCost(
    const Coordinates & node_coords,
    const Coordinates & goal_coordinates);

  static void initMotionModel(
    const MotionModel & motion_model,
    unsigned int & size_x,
    unsigned int & size_y,
    unsigned int & angle_quantization,
    SearchInfo & search_info);

  static void precomputeDistanceHeuristic(
    const float & lookup_table_dim,
    const MotionModel & motion_model,
    const unsigned int & dim_3_size,
    const SearchInfo & search_info);

  static float getObstacleHeuristic(
    const Coordinates & node_coords,
    const Coordinates & goal_coords,
    const float & cost_penalty);

  static float getDistanceHeuristic(
    const Coordinates & node_coords,
    const Coordinates & goal_coords,
    const float & obstacle_heuristic);

  static void resetObstacleHeuristic(
    std::shared_ptr<nav2_costmap_2d::Costmap2DROS> costmap_ros,
    const unsigned int & start_x, const unsigned int & start_y,
    const unsigned int & goal_x, const unsigned int & goal_y);

  static float adjustedFootprintCost(const float & cost);

  void getNeighbors(
    std::function<bool(const uint64_t &,
    nav2_smac_planner::NodeHybrid * &)> & validity_checker,
    GridCollisionChecker * collision_checker,
    const bool & traverse_unknown,
    NodeVector & neighbors);

  bool backtracePath(CoordinateVector & path);

  static void destroyStaticAssets()

  NodeHybrid * parent;
  Coordinates pose;

  // Constants required across all nodes but don't want to allocate more than once
  static float travel_distance_cost;
  static HybridMotionTable motion_table;
  // Wavefront lookup and queue for continuing to expand as needed
  static LookupTable obstacle_heuristic_lookup_table;
  static ObstacleHeuristicQueue obstacle_heuristic_queue;

  static std::shared_ptr<nav2_costmap_2d::Costmap2DROS> costmap_ros;
  static std::shared_ptr<nav2_costmap_2d::InflationLayer> inflation_layer;
  // Dubin / Reeds-Shepp lookup and size for dereferencing
  static LookupTable dist_heuristic_lookup_table;
  static float size_lookup;

  float _cell_cost;
  float _accumulated_cost;
  uint64_t _index;
  bool _was_visited;
  unsigned int _motion_primitive_index;
  TurnDirection _turn_dir;

}  // namespace nav2_smac_planner