Class DifferentialMotionModel

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

class DifferentialMotionModel : public nav2_amcl::MotionModel

Public Functions

virtual void initialize(double alpha1, double alpha2, double alpha3, double alpha4, double alpha5)

An factory to create motion models.

  • type – Type of motion model to create in factory

  • alpha1 – error parameters, see documentation

  • alpha2 – error parameters, see documentation

  • alpha3 – error parameters, see documentation

  • alpha4 – error parameters, see documentation

  • alpha5 – error parameters, see documentation


MotionModel A pointer to the motion model it created

virtual void odometryUpdate(pf_t *pf, const pf_vector_t &pose, const pf_vector_t &delta)

Update on new odometry data.

  • pf – The particle filter to update

  • pose – pose of robot in odometry update

  • delta – change in pose in odometry update