Program Listing for File console_bridge_compat.hpp

Return to documentation for file (include/mavconn/console_bridge_compat.hpp)

// libmavconn
// Copyright 2018 Vladimir Ermakov, All rights reserved.
// This file is part of the mavros package and subject to the license terms
// in the top-level LICENSE file of the mavros repository.
#pragma once

#include <console_bridge/console.h>

// [[[cog:
// for idx, func in enumerate(('debug', 'inform', 'warn', 'error')):
//     fn = f'CONSOLE_BRIDGE_log{func.title()}'
//     fu = func.upper()
//     if func == 'inform':  # NOTE: special case
//         fu = 'INFO'
//     if idx != 0:
//         cog.outl()
//     cog.outl(f'#ifndef {fn}')
//     cog.outl(f'#define {fn}(fmt, ...) \\')
//     cog.outl(f'  console_bridge::log( \\')
//     cog.outl(f'    __FILE__, __LINE__, console_bridge::CONSOLE_BRIDGE_LOG_{fu}, fmt, \\')
//     cog.outl(f'    ## __VA_ARGS__)')
//     cog.outl(f'#endif  // {fn}')
// ]]]
#ifndef CONSOLE_BRIDGE_logDebug
#define CONSOLE_BRIDGE_logDebug(fmt, ...) \
  console_bridge::log( \
    __FILE__, __LINE__, console_bridge::CONSOLE_BRIDGE_LOG_DEBUG, fmt, \
    ## __VA_ARGS__)
#endif  // CONSOLE_BRIDGE_logDebug

#ifndef CONSOLE_BRIDGE_logInform
#define CONSOLE_BRIDGE_logInform(fmt, ...) \
  console_bridge::log( \
    __FILE__, __LINE__, console_bridge::CONSOLE_BRIDGE_LOG_INFO, fmt, \
    ## __VA_ARGS__)
#endif  // CONSOLE_BRIDGE_logInform

#ifndef CONSOLE_BRIDGE_logWarn
#define CONSOLE_BRIDGE_logWarn(fmt, ...) \
  console_bridge::log( \
    __FILE__, __LINE__, console_bridge::CONSOLE_BRIDGE_LOG_WARN, fmt, \
    ## __VA_ARGS__)
#endif  // CONSOLE_BRIDGE_logWarn

#ifndef CONSOLE_BRIDGE_logError
#define CONSOLE_BRIDGE_logError(fmt, ...) \
  console_bridge::log( \
    __FILE__, __LINE__, console_bridge::CONSOLE_BRIDGE_LOG_ERROR, fmt, \
    ## __VA_ARGS__)
#endif  // CONSOLE_BRIDGE_logError
// [[[end]]] (checksum: ac76c84da411728c99a9b3995d1ffe37)