Program Listing for File fuzzy.hpp

Return to documentation for file (include/ecl/math/fuzzy.hpp)

** Ifdefs


** Includes

//#include "num_traits.hpp"
#include <cmath> // floating point std::abs
#include <cstdlib> // integral std::abs
#include <algorithm> // std::min, std::max
#include <ecl/type_traits/numeric_limits.hpp>

** Namespaces

namespace ecl {
namespace implementations {

* Implementation of fuzzy comparisons                                       *

template<typename Scalar,
         bool IsInteger>
struct scalar_fuzzy_default_impl {};

template<typename Scalar>
struct scalar_fuzzy_default_impl<Scalar, false>
    typedef typename ecl::numeric_limits<Scalar>::Precision Precision;

    template<typename OtherScalar>
    static inline bool isApprox(const Scalar& x, const OtherScalar& y, const Precision& prec) {
        // casting just in case y is an integer type.
        return std::abs(x - static_cast<Scalar>(y)) <= std::min( std::abs(x),  std::abs(static_cast<Scalar>(y))) * prec;

    template<typename OtherScalar>
    static inline bool isApproxOrLessThan(const Scalar& x, const OtherScalar& y, const Precision& prec) {
        return x <= y || isApprox(x, y, prec);

template<typename Scalar>
struct scalar_fuzzy_default_impl<Scalar, true> {

    typedef typename ecl::numeric_limits<Scalar>::Precision Precision;

    template<typename OtherScalar>
    static inline bool isApprox(const Scalar& x, const OtherScalar& y, const Precision& prec) {
        // this will trigger if default argument is used (dummy precision for integers == 0)
        if ( ecl::numeric_limits<OtherScalar>::is_integer ) {
            return x == y;
        } else {
            // only get here if its not complex, so OtherScalar has to be a floating type
            typename ecl::numeric_limits<OtherScalar>::Precision precision;
            if ( prec == 0.0 ) {
                precision = ecl::numeric_limits<OtherScalar>::dummy_precision;
            } else {
                precision = static_cast<OtherScalar>(prec);
            return std::abs(static_cast<OtherScalar>(x) - y) <= std::min( std::abs(static_cast<OtherScalar>(x)),  std::abs(y)) * precision;
    template<typename OtherScalar>
    static inline bool isApproxOrLessThan(const Scalar& x, const OtherScalar& y, const Precision&) {
        return x <= y;

// * @brief Fuzzy math implementation for complex numbers.
// *
// * Specialisation of fuzzy math functions for complex numbers.
// *
// * @tparam Scalar : autoselected by numeric traits as always being complex.
// */
//template<typename Scalar>
//struct scalar_fuzzy_default_impl<Scalar, true, false> {
//  typedef typename ecl::NumTraits<Scalar>::Precision Precision;
//  static inline bool isApprox(const Scalar& x, const Scalar& y, const Precision& prec) {
//      return ei_abs2(x - y) <= std::min(ei_abs2(x), ei_abs2(y)) * prec * prec;
//  }

template<typename Scalar>
struct scalar_fuzzy_impl : implementations::scalar_fuzzy_default_impl<Scalar, numeric_limits<Scalar>::is_integer> {};

} // implementations

** Direct Interfaces

template<typename Scalar, typename OtherScalar>
inline bool isApprox(const Scalar& x, const OtherScalar& y, typename numeric_limits<Scalar>::Precision precision = numeric_limits<Scalar>::dummy_precision) {
    return implementations::scalar_fuzzy_impl<Scalar>::isApprox(x, y, precision);

template<typename Scalar, typename OtherScalar>
inline bool isApproxOrLessThan(const Scalar& x, const OtherScalar& y, typename numeric_limits<Scalar>::Precision precision = numeric_limits<Scalar>::dummy_precision) {
    return implementations::scalar_fuzzy_impl<Scalar>::isApproxOrLessThan(x, y, precision);

} // namespace ecl

#endif /* ECL_MATH_FUZZY_HPP_ */