Program Listing for File macros.hpp

Return to documentation for file (include/ecl/exceptions/macros.hpp)

** Ifdefs


** Includes

#include <ecl/config/macros.hpp>
#include <ecl/config/ecl.hpp>

** Declspecs

 * Import/exports symbols for the library
#ifdef ECL_HAS_SHARED_LIBS // ecl is being built around shared libraries
  #ifdef ecl_exceptions_EXPORTS // we are building a shared lib/dll
    #define ecl_exceptions_PUBLIC ECL_HELPER_EXPORT
  #else // we are using shared lib/dll
    #define ecl_exceptions_PUBLIC ECL_HELPER_IMPORT
  #define ecl_exceptions_LOCAL ECL_HELPERS_LOCAL
#else // ecl is being built around static libraries
  #define ecl_exceptions_PUBLIC
  #define ecl_exceptions_LOCAL

** Macros [ecl_throw]

  #define ecl_throw(exception) ((void)0)
  #define ecl_try if(true)
  #define ecl_catch(exception) else
  #define ecl_throw(exception) throw exception;
  #define ecl_try try
  #define ecl_catch(exception) catch(exception)

** Macros [ecl_assert_throw, ecl_debug_throw]
/* Some bad logic here - release can still mean we use some exceptions */
#if defined(NDEBUG) || defined(ECL_NDEBUG) || defined(ECL_DISABLE_EXCEPTIONS)
  #define ecl_assert_throw(expression,exception) ((void)0)
  #define ecl_debug_throw(exception) ((void)0)
  #define ecl_debug_try if(true)
  #define ecl_debug_catch(exception) else // TODO - this is useles, you can't do ecl_debug_catch(Exception &e) { std::cout << e.what() << std::endl; } in release mode
  #define ecl_assert_throw(expression,exception) if ( !(expression) ) { throw exception; }
  #define ecl_debug_throw(exception) throw exception;
  #define ecl_debug_try try
  #define ecl_debug_catch(exception) catch(exception)