Program Listing for File character_buffer.hpp

Return to documentation for file (include/ecl/devices/detail/character_buffer.hpp)

** Ifdefs


** Includes

#include <cstring>

** Namespaces

namespace ecl {
namespace devices {

** Interface [CharBuffer]
class CharBuffer {
    ** Static Variables
    static const unsigned int buffer_size = 4096;

    ** C&D
    CharBuffer() : fill_point_marker(0) {}
    virtual ~CharBuffer() {}

    unsigned int remaining() { return ( buffer_size - fill_point_marker); }
    unsigned int size() const { return fill_point_marker; }
    bool full() const;
    long append(const char &c);
    long append(const char* s, unsigned long n);
    void clear();
    char* c_ptr() { return contents; }

    ** Variables
    unsigned int fill_point_marker; // Index pointing to where you would write the next char
    char contents[buffer_size];

** Interface [CharStringBuffer]
class CharStringBuffer {
    ** Static Variables
    static const unsigned int buffer_size = 4095; // Array is actually this + 1

    ** C&D
    CharStringBuffer() : fill_point_marker(0) {
        contents[buffer_size] = '\0';

    virtual ~CharStringBuffer() {}

    unsigned int remaining() { return ( buffer_size - fill_point_marker); }
    bool full() const;
    long append(const char &c);
    long append(const char* s, unsigned long n);
    const char* c_str();
    void clear();

    ** Variables
    unsigned int fill_point_marker; // Index pointing to where you would write the next char
    char contents[buffer_size+1];

} // namespace devices
} // namespace ecl