Program Listing for File value_arg.hpp

Return to documentation for file (include/ecl/command_line/value_arg.hpp)

** Ifdefs


#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdio>
#include "arg.hpp"
#include "constraint.hpp"


#if defined(HAVE_SSTREAM)
#include <sstream>
#elif defined(HAVE_STRSTREAM)
#include <strstream>
#error "Need a stringstream (sstream or strstream) to compile!"

namespace ecl {

template<class T> class ValueArg;

namespace ValueArgHelper {

enum Error_e { EXTRACT_FAILURE = 1000, EXTRACT_TOO_MANY };

template<class T> class ValueExtractor
    friend class ValueArg<T>;


        T &_value;

        ValueExtractor(T &value) : _value(value) { }

        int extractValue( const std::string& val )

#if defined(HAVE_SSTREAM)
            std::istringstream is(val);
#elif defined(HAVE_STRSTREAM)
            std::istrstream is(val.c_str());
#error "Need a stringstream (sstream or strstream) to compile!"

            int valuesRead = 0;
            while ( is.good() )
                if ( is.peek() != EOF )
                    is >> _value;


            if ( )
                return EXTRACT_FAILURE;

            if ( valuesRead > 1 )
                return EXTRACT_TOO_MANY;

            return 0;

template<> class ValueExtractor<std::string>
    friend class ValueArg<std::string>;


        std::string &_value;

        ValueExtractor(std::string &value) : _value(value) {}

        int extractValue( const std::string& val )
            _value = val;
            return 0;

} //namespace ValueArgHelper

template<class T>
class ValueArg : public Arg

        T _value;

        std::string _typeDesc;

        Constraint<T>* _constraint;

        void _extractValue( const std::string& val );


        ValueArg( const std::string& flag,
                  const std::string& name,
                  const std::string& desc,
                  bool req,
                  T value,
                  const std::string& typeDesc,
                  Visitor* v = NULL);

        ValueArg( const std::string& flag,
                  const std::string& name,
                  const std::string& desc,
                  bool req,
                  T value,
                  const std::string& typeDesc,
                  CmdLineInterface& parser,
                  Visitor* v = NULL );

        ValueArg( const std::string& flag,
                  const std::string& name,
                  const std::string& desc,
                  bool req,
                  T value,
                  Constraint<T>* constraint,
                  CmdLineInterface& parser,
                  Visitor* v = NULL );

        ValueArg( const std::string& flag,
                  const std::string& name,
                  const std::string& desc,
                  bool req,
                  T value,
                  Constraint<T>* constraint,
                  Visitor* v = NULL );

        virtual bool processArg(int* i, std::vector<std::string>& args);

        T& getValue() ;

        virtual std::string shortID(const std::string& val = "val") const;

        virtual std::string longID(const std::string& val = "val") const;


template<class T>
ValueArg<T>::ValueArg(const std::string& flag,
                      const std::string& name,
                      const std::string& desc,
                      bool req,
                      T value,
                      const std::string& typeDesc,
                      Visitor* v)
: Arg(flag, name, desc, req, true, v),
  _value( value ),
  _typeDesc( typeDesc ),
  _constraint( NULL )
{ }

template<class T>
ValueArg<T>::ValueArg(const std::string& flag,
                      const std::string& name,
                      const std::string& desc,
                      bool req,
                      T val,
                      const std::string& typeDesc,
                      CmdLineInterface& parser,
                      Visitor* v)
: Arg(flag, name, desc, req, true, v),
  _value( val ),
  _typeDesc( typeDesc ),
  _constraint( NULL )
    parser.add( this );

template<class T>
ValueArg<T>::ValueArg(const std::string& flag,
                      const std::string& name,
                      const std::string& desc,
                      bool req,
                      T val,
                      Constraint<T>* constraint,
                      Visitor* v)
: Arg(flag, name, desc, req, true, v),
  _value( val ),
  _typeDesc( constraint->shortID() ),
  _constraint( constraint )
{ }

template<class T>
ValueArg<T>::ValueArg(const std::string& flag,
                      const std::string& name,
                      const std::string& desc,
                      bool req,
                      T val,
                      Constraint<T>* constraint,
                      CmdLineInterface& parser,
                      Visitor* v)
: Arg(flag, name, desc, req, true, v),
  _value( val ),
  _typeDesc( constraint->shortID() ),
  _constraint( constraint )
    parser.add( this );

template<class T>
T& ValueArg<T>::getValue() { return _value; }

template<class T>
bool ValueArg<T>::processArg(int *i, std::vector<std::string>& args)
    if ( _ignoreable && Arg::ignoreRest() )
        return false;

    if ( _hasBlanks( args[*i] ) )
        return false;

    std::string flag = args[*i];

    std::string value = "";
    trimFlag( flag, value );

    if ( argMatches( flag ) )
        if ( _alreadySet )
            throw( CmdLineParseException("Argument already set!", toString()) );

        if ( Arg::delimiter() != ' ' && value == "" )
            throw( ArgParseException(
                            "Couldn't find delimiter for this argument!",
                             toString() ) );

        if ( value == "" )
            if ( static_cast<unsigned int>(*i) < args.size() )
                _extractValue( args[*i] );
                throw( ArgParseException("Missing a value for this argument!",
                                                    toString() ) );
            _extractValue( value );

        _alreadySet = true;
        return true;
        return false;

template<class T>
std::string ValueArg<T>::shortID(const std::string& val) const
    std::string stop_warnings = val; // Only to stop annoying warning messages, I dont think it slows things down
    return Arg::shortID( _typeDesc );

template<class T>
std::string ValueArg<T>::longID(const std::string& val) const
    std::string stop_warnings = val; // Only to stop annoying warning messages, I dont think it slows things down
    return Arg::longID( _typeDesc );

template<class T> // Just to stop the warnings.
void ValueArg<T>::_extractValue( const std::string& val )
    ValueArgHelper::ValueExtractor<T> ve(_value);

    int err = ve.extractValue(val);

    if ( err == ValueArgHelper::EXTRACT_FAILURE )
        throw( ArgParseException("Couldn't read argument value from string '" +
                                 val + "'", toString() ) );

    if ( err == ValueArgHelper::EXTRACT_TOO_MANY )
        throw( ArgParseException(
                    "More than one valid value parsed from string '" +
                    val + "'", toString() ) );

    if ( _constraint != NULL )
        if ( ! _constraint->check( _value ) )
            throw( CmdLineParseException( "Value '" + val +
                                          "' does not meet constraint: " +
                                          toString() ) );

} // namespace ecl
