<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-model href="" schematypens=""?>
<package format="2">
    The ability to check code for style and syntax conventions with flake8.

  <maintainer email="">Chris Lalancette</maintainer>

  <license>Apache License 2.0</license>

  <author email="">Audrow Nash</author>
  <author email="">Brandon Ong</author>
  <author>Claire Wang</author>
  <author>D. Hood</author>
  <author email="">Michel Hidalgo</author>

  <!-- TODO(clalancette): enable this once it is available in RHEL-9 -->
  <!-- <exec_depend>python3-flake8-blind-except</exec_depend> -->
  <!-- TODO(clalancette): enable this once it is available in RHEL-9 -->
  <!-- <exec_depend>python3-flake8-class-newline</exec_depend> -->
  <!-- TODO(clalancette): enable this once it is available in RHEL-9 -->
  <!-- <exec_depend>python3-flake8-deprecated</exec_depend> -->
