
This is a ROS message definition.


std_msgs/Header header

# Satellites used in solution
uint16 satellites_used # Number of satellites
int32[] satellite_used_prn # PRN identifiers

# Satellites visible
uint16 satellites_visible
int32[] satellite_visible_prn # PRN identifiers
int32[] satellite_visible_z # Elevation of satellites
int32[] satellite_visible_azimuth # Azimuth of satellites
int32[] satellite_visible_snr # Signal-to-noise ratios (dB)

# Measurement status
int16 STATUS_NO_FIX=-1    # Unable to fix position
int16 STATUS_FIX=0        # Normal fix
int16 STATUS_SBAS_FIX=1   # Fixed using a satellite-based augmentation system
int16 STATUS_GBAS_FIX=2   #          or a ground-based augmentation system
int16 STATUS_DGPS_FIX=18  # Fixed with DGPS
int16 STATUS_RTK_FIX=19   # Real-Time Kinematic, fixed integers
int16 STATUS_RTK_FLOAT=20 # Real-Time Kinematic, float integers
int16 STATUS_WAAS_FIX=33  # Fixed with WAAS
int16 status

uint16 SOURCE_NONE=0 # No information is available
uint16 SOURCE_GPS=1 # Using standard GPS location [only valid for position_source]
uint16 SOURCE_POINTS=2 # Motion/orientation fix is derived from successive points
uint16 SOURCE_DOPPLER=4 # Motion is derived using the Doppler effect
uint16 SOURCE_ALTIMETER=8 # Using an altimeter
uint16 SOURCE_MAGNETIC=16 # Using magnetic sensors
uint16 SOURCE_GYRO=32 # Using gyroscopes
uint16 SOURCE_ACCEL=64 # Using accelerometers

uint16 motion_source # Source for speed, climb and track
uint16 orientation_source # Source for device orientation
uint16 position_source # Source for position