
This is a ROS message definition.


int32 CIRCLE=0
int32 LINE_STRIP=1
int32 LINE_LIST=2
int32 POLYGON=3
int32 POINTS=4

int32 ADD=0
int32 REMOVE=1

std_msgs/Header header
# Namespace which is used with the id to form a unique id.
string ns
# Unique id within the namespace.
int32 id
# One of the above types, e.g. CIRCLE, LINE_STRIP, etc.
int32 type
# Either ADD or REMOVE.
int32 action
# Two-dimensional coordinate position, in pixel-coordinates.
geometry_msgs/Point position
# The scale of the object, e.g. the diameter for a CIRCLE.
float32 scale
# The outline color of the marker.
std_msgs/ColorRGBA outline_color
# Whether or not to fill in the shape with color.
uint8 filled
# Fill color; in the range: [0.0-1.0]
std_msgs/ColorRGBA fill_color
# How long the object should last before being automatically deleted.
# 0 indicates forever.
builtin_interfaces/Duration lifetime

# Coordinates in 2D in pixel coords. Used for LINE_STRIP, LINE_LIST, POINTS, etc.
geometry_msgs/Point[] points
# The color for each line, point, etc. in the points field.
std_msgs/ColorRGBA[] outline_colors