

The launch file provides a full example and performs rectification and de-mosaicing of raw stereo camera image pairs. It also perform stereo processing to generate disparity images and point clouds.

In topic names below, left and right are remapped using the left_namespace and right_namespace launch file parameters.


All processing is on demand. Color processing is performed only if there is a subscriber to a color topic. Rectification is performed only if there is a subscriber to a rectified topic. Disparities and point clouds are generated only if there is a subscriber to a relevant topic. While there are no subscribers to output topics, the nodes unsubscribe from the image_raw and camera_info topics.

Point clouds are generated in the optical frame of the left imager (X Right, Y Down, Z out):


Quick Start

Make sure your stereo camera driver(s) are running. You can check ros2 topic list | grep image_raw to see the available raw image topics from compatible drivers.

To get rectified and/or colorized image streams, you need to launch the launch file. If you are running on a robot, it’s probably best to run the launch file there. For example, if your stereo camera driver(s) are publishing:


you could do:

ros2 launch stereo_image_proc namespace:=stereo

Notice that we add the stereo namespace. Internally the launch file also has a left_namespace and right_namespace which default to left and right. Using this launch file is equivalent to Launching two instances of the image_proc/ launch file in the stereo/left and stereo/right namespaces, with the addition of the stereo outputs: disparity images (stereo/disparity topic) and point clouds (stereo/points2 topic)

In a separate terminal (on your home machine, if you are running on a robot):

$ ros2 run image_view image_view image:=/stereo/left/image_rect_color

This will display a rectified color image from the left stereo camera. Alternatively, stereo_view will show you both the left and right images as well as a color-mapped disparity image:

$ ros2 run image_view stereo_view stereo:=/stereo image:=image_rect_color

To view point clouds, you can use rviz2.

Choosing Good Stereo Parameters

There is an extensive tutorial on the ROS 1 wiki <>, however not all components exist in ROS 2 yet.