rosidl_cli.command.helpers module


Collect dependencies’ ROS interface definition files from include paths.

Interface definition file paths from dependencies are absolute paths prefixed by the name of package they belong to followed by a colon ‘:’.

rosidl_cli.command.helpers.generate_visibility_control_file(*, package_name, template_path, output_path)

Generate a visibility control file from a template.

  • package_name – Name of the ROS package for which to generate the file.

  • template_path – Path to template visibility control file. May contain @PROJECT_NAME@ and @PROJECT_NAME_UPPER@ placeholders, to be substituted by the package name, accordingly.

  • output_path – Path to visibility control file after interpolation.


Express ROS interface definition file paths as IDL tuples.

An IDL tuple is a relative path prefixed by an absolute path against which to resolve it followed by a colon ‘:’. This function then applies the same logic as interface_path_as_tuple.


Express interface definition file path as an (absolute prefix, relative path) tuple.

An interface definition file path is a relative path, optionally prefixed by a path against which to resolve the former followed by a colon ‘:’. Thus, this function applies following logic:

  • If a given path follows this pattern, it is split at the colon ‘:’

  • If a given path is prefixed by a relative path, it is resolved

    relative to the current working directory.

  • If a given path has no prefix, the current working directory is

    used as prefix.

rosidl_cli.command.helpers.legacy_generator_arguments_file(*, package_name, interface_files, include_paths, templates_path, output_path)

Generate a temporary rosidl generator arguments file.

  • package_name – Name of the ROS package for which to generate code

  • interface_files – Relative paths to ROS interface definition files, optionally prefixed by another absolute or relative path followed by a colon ‘:’. The former relative paths will be used as a prototype to namespace generated code (if applicable).

  • include_paths – Paths where ROS package dependencies’ interface definition files may be found

  • templates_path – Path to the templates directory for the generator script this arguments are for

  • output_path – Path to the output directory for generated code


Derive ROS package name from a ROS interface definition file path.

This function assumes ROS interface definition files follow the typical rosidl install space layout i.e. ‘package_name/subfolder/interface.idl’.