Welcome to the documentation for ros2doctor

A command line tool to check potential issues in a ROS 2 system



This folder contains the source code for ros2doctor. It is one of the ROS 2 command line interface tools included with a standard install of any ROS 2 distro. ros2doctor is similar to roswtf from ROS 1. It will examine your ROS 2 setup, such as distribution, platform, network interface, etc., and look for potential issues in a running ROS 2 system.


Run ros2 doctor or ros2 wtf(alias) to conduct checks.

Run ros2 doctor -h/--help to print all available command arguments.

Run ros2 doctor -r/--report to see report of all checked items.

Run ros2 doctor -rf/--report-fail to see report of failed checks only.

Run ros2 doctor -iw/--include-warnings to include warnings as failed checks. -iw and -rf can be used in combination.

Add New Checks

To add your own checks or information to report, use Python entry points to add modules to setup.py. See example below:

        'ros2doctor.checks': [
            'PlatformCheck = ros2doctor.api.platform:PlatformCheck',
            'NetworkCheck = ros2doctor.api.network:NetworkCheck',
        'ros2doctor.report': [
            'PlatformReport = ros2doctor.api.platform:PlatformReport',
            'NetworkReport = ros2doctor.api.network:NetworkReport',