Function rmw_enclave_options_copy
Defined in File enclave.h
Function Documentation
rmw_ret_t rmw_enclave_options_copy(const char *src, const rcutils_allocator_t *allocator, char **dst)
Perform a deep copy of the enclave options from src into dst using the given allocator. The dst will be left with an owned copy of the enclave whose string values match the src. If successful, src and dst will evaluate as equal.
- Parameters:
src – [in] enclave options to be copied.
allocator – [in] to use.
dst – [out] Destination options to use.
- Returns:
RMW_RET_OK if success.
- Returns:
RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if the src, dst or allocator is null.
- Returns:
RMW_RET_BAD_ALLOC if allocation fails.