Todo List

Member rcl_client_init  (rcl_client_t *client, const rcl_node_t *node, const rosidl_service_type_support_t *type_support, const char *service_name, const rcl_client_options_t *options)

TODO(wjwwood) write these instructions once and link to it instead

Member rcl_node_get_graph_guard_condition  (const rcl_node_t *node)

TODO(wjwwood): link to exhaustive list of graph events

Member rcl_node_init  (rcl_node_t *node, const char *name, const char *namespace_, rcl_context_t *context, const rcl_node_options_t *options)

TODO(wjwwood): node name uniqueness is not yet enforced

TODO(wjwwood): Parameter infrastructure is currently initialized in the language specific client library, e.g. rclcpp for C++, but will be initialized here in the future. When that happens there will be an option to avoid parameter infrastructure with an option in the rcl_node_options_t struct.

Member rcl_publish  (const rcl_publisher_t *publisher, const void *ros_message, rmw_publisher_allocation_t *allocation)

TODO(wjwwood): The blocking behavior of publish is a still a point of dispute. This section should be updated once the behavior is clearly defined. See:

Member rcl_publisher_init  (rcl_publisher_t *publisher, const rcl_node_t *node, const rosidl_message_type_support_t *type_support, const char *topic_name, const rcl_publisher_options_t *options)

TODO(wjwwood) write these instructions once and link to it instead

Member rcl_service_init  (rcl_service_t *service, const rcl_node_t *node, const rosidl_service_type_support_t *type_support, const char *service_name, const rcl_service_options_t *options)

TODO(wjwwood) write these instructions once and link to it instead

Member rcl_subscription_init  (rcl_subscription_t *subscription, const rcl_node_t *node, const rosidl_message_type_support_t *type_support, const char *topic_name, const rcl_subscription_options_t *options)

TODO(wjwwood) write these instructions once and link to it instead For C a macro can be used (for example std_msgs/String):