Pythonic implementation of behaviour trees.
[About] [What’s New?] [Documentation] [Getting Started] [Next Steps] [Releases]
PyTrees is a Python implementation of behaviour trees designed to facilitate the rapid development of medium sized decision making engines for use in fields like robotics.
Brief feature list:
Behaviours, Decorators, Sequences, Selectors, Parallels and BehaviourTree.
Blackboards for data sharing.
A useful library of behaviours, decorators, and idioms.
Serialise to a dot graph or render to ascii/unicode in a terminal.
Tested on Linux and Mac (YMMV with Windows).
What’s New?
[2025-01-11] Support for Python 3.12 was added, and Python 3.8 was dropped.
Getting Started
You can get started on Codespaces (with no mismatched environment issues and in under 5 minutes) [1]:
Fork the project to your personal account
Click on Code -> Codespaces -> + Create a Codespace
Enter the Terminal
# Install Dependencies
(docker) zen@py_trees:/workspaces/py_trees$ poetry install
# Explore the demos
(docker) zen@py_trees:/workspaces/py_trees$ poetry shell
(py-trees-py3.10) (docker) zen@py_trees:/workspaces/py_trees$ py-trees-demo-<tab>-<tab>
py-trees-demo-action-behaviour py-trees-demo-context-switching py-trees-demo-logging
py-trees-demo-behaviour-lifecycle py-trees-demo-display-modes py-trees-demo-pick-up-where-you-left-off
py-trees-demo-blackboard py-trees-demo-dot-graphs py-trees-demo-selector
py-trees-demo-blackboard-namespaces py-trees-demo-either-or py-trees-demo-sequence
py-trees-demo-blackboard-remappings py-trees-demo-eternal-guard py-trees-demo-tree-stewardship
(py-trees-py3.10) (docker) zen@py_trees:/workspaces/py_trees$ py-trees-demo-blackboard
(py-trees-py3.10) (docker) zen@py_trees:/workspaces/py_trees$ exit
# Hack some Code
# Run the Formatter, Tests, Linters and Mypy
(docker) zen@py_trees:/workspaces/py_trees$ poetry run tox -l
py310 py312 format check mypy310 mypy312
(docker) zen@py_trees:/workspaces/py_trees$ poetry run tox -e format
(docker) zen@py_trees:/workspaces/py_trees$ poetry run tox -e py310
(docker) zen@py_trees:/workspaces/py_trees$ poetry run tox -e check
# Contribute a PR!
[1] All of the above will, of course, work in a local environment if you have poetry
If you’re using VSCode
you don’t even need that, just reopen the project in the devcontainer and be froody.
Next Steps
On PyPi:
ReadTheDocs - PyTrees ROS Tutorials - significantly more edifying than the demos, these incrementally walk through the process of building a decision making layer for a robot. These use ROS2 (sparsely), but merely browsing should be enlightening regardless.
py_trees_js - a javascript library for building your own runtime visualisation tool
py_trees_ros - a tree manager and behaviours designed for use specifically with
py_trees_ros_viewer - a
implementation ofpy_trees_js
- Support for Python 3.12 was added, and Python 3.8 was dropped.2.2.x
- Selectors, Sequences with and without memory. Improved testing and style/type checking.2.1.x
- Chooser deprecated. API housekeeping.2.0.x
- Blackboards V2!1.2.x
- Trees can now shutdown cleanly. StatusToBlackboard and EternalGuard, Visitors get finalise().1.1.x
- Fixes for setup, tick-tock, viz.1.0.x
- Behaviours, Decorators, Composites, Blackboards, Tree Management and Viz tools.0.y.x
- First open source pre-releases.
Devel |
2.3.x |
2.2.x |
2.1.x |
2.0.x |
1.2.x |
Sources |
Compatibility |
CI |
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Documentation |