Minimal rclcpp wait-set cookbook recipes

This package contains a few different strategies for creating nodes which use rclcpp::waitset to wait and handle ROS entities, that is, subscribers, timers, clients, services, guard conditions and waitables.

  • wait_set.cpp: Simple example showing how to use the default wait-set with a dynamic storage policy and a sequential (no thread-safe) synchronization policy.

  • static_wait_set.cpp: Simple example showing how to use the static wait-set with a static storage policy.

  • thread_safe_wait_set.cpp: Simple example showing how to use the thread-safe wait-set with a thread-safe synchronization policy.

  • wait_set_topics_and_timer.cpp: Simple example using multiple subscriptions, publishers, and a timer.

  • wait_set_random_order.cpp: An example showing user-defined data handling and a random publisher. executor_random_order.cpp run the same node logic using SingleThreadedExecutor to compare the data handling order.

  • wait_set_and_executor_composition.cpp: An example showing how to combine a SingleThreadedExecutor and a wait-set.

  • wait_set_topics_with_different_rate.cpp: An example showing how to use a custom trigger condition to handle topics with different topic rates.