.. include:: /include.txt .. include:: /_include_ecalicons.txt .. _getting_started_player: ============================= |ecalplay_APP_ICON_h1| Player ============================= .. hint:: Don't be afraid to play around with the GUI! If you closed or moved something and can't get it back, just click :guilabel:`View / Reset Layout`! .. image:: img/player_reset_layout.png :alt: eCAL Player Reset Layout After you have created an eCAL measurement in the previous section, you now learn how to replay the data. So, start the eCAL Player! * |fa-windows| On Windows you can start it from the Start Menu: |ecal_play-start-menu-path-windows| * |fa-ubuntu| On Ubuntu start :file:`ecal_play_gui` from a terminal Also load a measurement, before we get to the GUI overview: #. Click :guilabel:`File / Open measurement...` #. Select the :file:`.ecalmeas` file from your eCAL measurement Overview ======== .. image:: img/player_overview_annotated.svg :alt: eCAL Player :target: ../_images/player_overview_blank.png .. rst-class:: bignums-xxl #. **Channels** Here you find a list of all topics in the measurement. At the moment we only have one topic. You can de-select topics here you don't want to be replayed. You can also rename topics (from the context menu or by pressing :kbd:`F2`). #. **Labels** If your measurement contains some parts that are of special interest, you can add a label here. You can then easily jump to that point later. #. **Description** The measurement description. You should notice the description and the comment from the previous section. #. **Main controls** Here you can start / stop the playback, step through the measurement and enable repeat-mode. Replaying the measurement ========================= Click |ecalicons_START| :guilabel:`Play` and close any `person_snd` you may still have running. Open a `person_rec` or an eCAL Monitor and watch the data incoming from the Player! .. tip:: Activate the repeat-option, so your replay starts over again .. image:: img/player_monitor_person_rec.png :alt: eCAL Player, Monitor and person_rec sample