Changelog for package rqt_gui
0.5.3 (2022-03-25)
- Changed getiter to iter (#1) (#241)
- Update maintainers (#233) (#237)
- Contributors: Michael Jeronimo, sven-herrmann
0.5.2 (2020-06-12)
- add missing dependencies: rospkg-modules, python_qt_binding, rospy (#227)
0.5.1 (2020-03-10)
- bump CMake minimum version to avoid CMP0048 warning (#219)
- allow definition of settings file (#216)
- use catkin_install_python for Python script (#206)
- style changes (#143)
- autopep8 (#137)
0.5.0 (2017-04-24)
- version bump to match version of migrated package rqt_py_common
0.3.2 (2017-01-24)
- use Python 3 compatible syntax (#113)
0.3.1 (2016-04-01)
0.2.14 (2014-03-04)
0.2.13 (2014-01-08)
- added hash of ros package path as prefix for plugin manager settings to allow for one cache per package path setting
0.2.12 (2013-10-09)
- improve startup time (#88)
- new icon for rqt
0.2.11 (2013-09-06)
0.2.10 (2013-08-21)
- add application icon (#82)
- improve error message when plugin xml file does not exist
0.2.8 (2013-01-11)
- properly ignore ROS remapping arguments when passed in via command line
0.2.7 (2012-12-31)
- first public release for Groovy