Changelog for package leo_teleop
2.3.0 (2023-10-30)
- Expand joy teleop config to support the mecanum wheels (#4)
- Contributors: Aleksander SzymaĆski
2.2.0 (2022-08-24)
2.0.1 (2021-12-28)
2.0.0 (2021-12-02)
1.2.2 (2021-06-04)
- Add key_teleop.launch which starts the key teleop node in xterm
- use exec in key_teleop script to not spawn another process
- Update author and maintainer info
1.2.1 (2020-12-18)
1.2.0 (2020-12-18)
- Update package description
- Change CMakeLists formatting style
1.0.1 (2020-10-06)