* ViSP, open source Visual Servoing Platform software.
* Copyright (C) 2005 - 2021 by Inria. All rights reserved.
* This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* See the file LICENSE.txt at the root directory of this source
* distribution for additional information about the GNU GPL.
* For using ViSP with software that can not be combined with the GNU
* GPL, please contact Inria about acquiring a ViSP Professional
* Edition License.
* See https://visp.inria.fr for more information.
* This software was developed at:
* Inria Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique
* Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu
* 35042 Rennes Cedex
* France
* If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
* Inria at visp@inria.fr
* This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
#include <iostream>
#include <visp3/gui/vpPlot.h>
main( int argc, char **argv )
bool opt_coppeliasim_sync_mode = false;
bool opt_verbose = false;
bool opt_save_data = false;
for ( int i = 1; i < argc; i++ )
if ( std::string( argv[i] ) == "--enable-coppeliasim-sync-mode" )
opt_coppeliasim_sync_mode = true;
else if ( std::string( argv[i] ) == "--verbose" || std::string( argv[i] ) == "-v" )
opt_verbose = true;
else if ( std::string( argv[i] ) == "--save" )
opt_save_data = true;
else if ( std::string( argv[i] ) == "--help" || std::string( argv[i] ) == "-h" )
std::cout << argv[0] << "[--enable-coppeliasim-sync-mode]"
<< " [--save]"
<< " [--verbose] [-v] "
<< " [--help] [-h]" << std::endl;
// ROS node //
ros::init( argc, argv, "visp_ros" );
ros::NodeHandlePtr n = boost::make_shared< ros::NodeHandle >();
ros::Rate loop_rate( 1000 );
robot.setVerbose( opt_verbose );
if ( 0 )
// Instead of setting the tool from Coppeliasim topics, we can set its values manually to e.g. introduce errors in
// the parameters This must be done before call robot.connect() The following are the parameters for the Panda
// Hand as reported in the datasheet.
double mass = 0.73; // [kg]
vpHomogeneousMatrix flMe(
vpTranslationVector( 0, 0, 0.1034 ),
vpRotationMatrix( { std::cos( vpMath::rad( 45 ) ), -std::sin( vpMath::rad( 45 ) ), 0,
std::sin( vpMath::rad( 45 ) ), std::cos( vpMath::rad( 45 ) ), 0, 0, 0, 1 } ) );
vpHomogeneousMatrix fMcom( vpTranslationVector( -0.01, 0.0, 0.03 ), vpRotationMatrix() );
vpMatrix I_l( 3, 3 );
I_l.diag( vpColVector( { 0.001, 0.0025, 0.0017 } ) ); // [kg*m^2]
robot.add_tool( flMe, mass, fMcom, I_l );
std::cout << "Coppeliasim sync mode enabled: " << ( opt_coppeliasim_sync_mode ? "yes" : "no" ) << std::endl;
robot.coppeliasimStopSimulation(); // Allows to reset simulation, moving the robot to initial position
robot.setCoppeliasimSyncMode( false );
// Move to a secure initial position
vpColVector q_init( { 0, vpMath::rad( -45 ), 0, vpMath::rad( -135 ), 0, vpMath::rad( 90 ), vpMath::rad( 45 ) } );
robot.setRobotState( vpRobot::STATE_POSITION_CONTROL );
robot.setPosition( vpRobot::JOINT_STATE, q_init );
vpTime::wait( 500 );
vpPlot *plotter = nullptr;
plotter = new vpPlot( 4, 800, 800, 10, 10, "Real time curves plotter" );
plotter->setTitle( 0, "Joint positions [rad]" );
plotter->initGraph( 0, 7 );
plotter->setLegend( 0, 0, "q1" );
plotter->setLegend( 0, 1, "q2" );
plotter->setLegend( 0, 2, "q3" );
plotter->setLegend( 0, 3, "q4" );
plotter->setLegend( 0, 4, "q5" );
plotter->setLegend( 0, 5, "q6" );
plotter->setLegend( 0, 6, "q7" );
plotter->setTitle( 1, "Joint position error [rad]" );
plotter->initGraph( 1, 7 );
plotter->setLegend( 1, 0, "e_q1" );
plotter->setLegend( 1, 1, "e_q2" );
plotter->setLegend( 1, 2, "e_q3" );
plotter->setLegend( 1, 3, "e_q4" );
plotter->setLegend( 1, 4, "e_q5" );
plotter->setLegend( 1, 5, "e_q6" );
plotter->setLegend( 1, 6, "e_q7" );
plotter->setTitle( 2, "Joint torque measure [Nm]" );
plotter->initGraph( 2, 7 );
plotter->setLegend( 2, 0, "Tau1" );
plotter->setLegend( 2, 1, "Tau2" );
plotter->setLegend( 2, 2, "Tau3" );
plotter->setLegend( 2, 3, "Tau4" );
plotter->setLegend( 2, 4, "Tau5" );
plotter->setLegend( 2, 5, "Tau6" );
plotter->setLegend( 2, 6, "Tau7" );
plotter->setTitle( 3, "Joint error norm [rad]" );
plotter->initGraph( 3, 1 );
plotter->setLegend( 3, 0, "||qd - d||" );
// Create joint array
vpColVector q( 7, 0 ), qd( 7, 0 ), dq( 7, 0 ), dqd( 7, 0 ), ddqd( 7, 0 ), tau_d( 7, 0 ), C( 7, 0 ), q0( 7, 0 ),
F( 7, 0 ), tau_d0( 7, 0 ), tau_cmd( 7, 0 ), tau( 7, 0 );
vpMatrix B( 7, 7 );
std::cout << "Reading current joint position" << std::endl;
robot.getPosition( vpRobot::JOINT_STATE, q0 );
std::cout << "Initial joint position: " << q0.t() << std::endl;
robot.setRobotState( vpRobot::STATE_FORCE_TORQUE_CONTROL );
robot.setCoppeliasimSyncMode( opt_coppeliasim_sync_mode );
qd = q0;
bool final_quit = false;
bool first_time = false;
bool start_trajectory = false;
vpMatrix K( 7, 7 ), D( 7, 7 ), I( 7, 7 );
K.diag( { 400.0, 400.0, 400.0, 400.0, 400.0, 400.0, 900.0 } );
D.diag( { 20.0, 45.0, 45.0, 45.0, 45.0, 45.0, 60.0 } );
I.diag( { 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 60.0 } );
vpColVector integral( 7, 0 );
double mu = 4;
double dt = 0;
double time_start_trajectory, time_prev, time_cur;
double delay_before_trajectory = 0.5; // Start sinusoidal joint trajectory after this delay in [s]
// Control loop
while ( !final_quit )
time_cur = robot.getCoppeliasimSimulationTime();
robot.getPosition( vpRobot::JOINT_STATE, q );
robot.getVelocity( vpRobot::JOINT_STATE, dq );
robot.getForceTorque( vpRobot::JOINT_STATE, tau );
robot.getMass( B );
robot.getCoriolis( C );
robot.getFriction( F );
if ( time_cur < delay_before_trajectory )
time_start_trajectory = time_cur; // To ensure exp() = 1
first_time = true;
else if ( !start_trajectory ) // After the delay we start joint trajectory
time_start_trajectory = time_cur;
start_trajectory = true;
// Compute joint trajectories
// clang-format off
qd[0] = q0[0] + ( start_trajectory ? std::sin( 2 * M_PI * 0.1 * ( time_cur - time_start_trajectory ) ) : 0 );
dqd[0] = ( start_trajectory ? 2 * M_PI * 0.1 * std::cos( 2 * M_PI * 0.1 * ( time_cur - time_start_trajectory ) ) : 0 );
ddqd[0] = ( start_trajectory ? - std::pow( 2 * 0.1 * M_PI, 2 ) * std::sin( 2 * M_PI * 0.1 * ( time_cur - time_start_trajectory ) ) : 0 );
qd[2] = q0[2] + ( start_trajectory ? ( M_PI / 16 ) * std::sin( 2 * M_PI * 0.2 * ( time_cur - time_start_trajectory ) ) : 0 );
dqd[2] = ( start_trajectory ? M_PI * ( M_PI / 8 ) * 0.2 * std::cos( 2 * M_PI * 0.2 * ( time_cur - time_start_trajectory ) ) : 0 );
ddqd[2] = ( start_trajectory ? -M_PI * M_PI * 0.2 * ( M_PI / 4 ) * std::sin( 2 * M_PI * 0.2 * ( time_cur - time_start_trajectory ) ) : 0 );
qd[3] = q0[3] + ( start_trajectory ? 0.25 * std::sin( 2 * M_PI * 0.05 * ( time_cur - time_start_trajectory ) ) : 0 );
dqd[3] = ( start_trajectory ? 2 * M_PI * 0.05 * 0.25 * std::cos( 2 * M_PI * 0.05 * ( time_cur - time_start_trajectory ) ) : 0 );
ddqd[3] = ( start_trajectory ? -0.25 * std::pow( 2 * 0.05 * M_PI, 2 ) * std::sin( 2 * M_PI * 0.05 * ( time_cur - time_start_trajectory ) ) : 0 );
//qd[6] = q0[6] + ( start_trajectory ? std::sin( 2 * M_PI * 0.1 * ( time_cur - time_start_trajectory ) ) : 0 );
//dqd[6] = ( start_trajectory ? 2 * M_PI * 0.1 * std::cos( 2 * M_PI * 0.1 * ( time_cur - time_start_trajectory ) ) : 0 );
//ddqd[6] = ( start_trajectory ? -std::pow( 2 * 0.1 * M_PI, 2 ) * std::sin( 2 * M_PI * 0.1 * ( time_cur - time_start_trajectory ) ) : 0 );
// clang-format on
dt = time_cur - time_prev;
if ( start_trajectory )
integral += ( qd - q ) * dt;
// Compute the control law
tau_d = B * ( K * ( qd - q ) + D * ( dqd - dq ) + I * ( integral ) + ddqd ) + C + F;
if ( first_time )
tau_d0 = tau_d;
tau_cmd = tau_d - tau_d0 * std::exp( -mu * ( time_cur - time_start_trajectory ) );
// Send command to the torque robot
robot.setForceTorque( vpRobot::JOINT_STATE, tau_cmd );
vpColVector norm( 1, vpMath::deg( std::sqrt( ( qd - q ).sumSquare() ) ) );
plotter->plot( 0, time_cur, q );
plotter->plot( 1, time_cur, qd - q );
plotter->plot( 2, time_cur, tau );
plotter->plot( 3, time_cur, norm );
vpMouseButton::vpMouseButtonType button;
if ( vpDisplay::getClick( plotter->I, button, false ) )
if ( button == vpMouseButton::button3 )
final_quit = true;
tau_cmd = 0;
std::cout << "Stop the robot " << std::endl;
robot.setRobotState( vpRobot::STATE_STOP );
if ( opt_verbose )
std::cout << "dt: " << dt << std::endl;
time_prev = time_cur;
robot.wait( time_cur, 0.001 ); // Sync loop at 1000 Hz (1 ms)
if ( opt_save_data )
plotter->saveData( 0, "sim-joint-position.txt", "# " );
plotter->saveData( 1, "sim-joint-position-error.txt", "# " );
plotter->saveData( 2, "sim-joint-torque-measure.txt", "# " );
plotter->saveData( 3, "sim-joint-error-norm.txt", "# " );
if ( plotter != nullptr )
delete plotter;
plotter = nullptr;
catch ( const vpException &e )
std::cout << "ViSP exception: " << e.what() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Stop the robot " << std::endl;
robot.setRobotState( vpRobot::STATE_STOP );
return 0;
virtual void getForceTorque(const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType frame, vpColVector &force)
Definition: vpRobotFrankaSim.cpp:825
int main(int argc, char **argv)
Definition: tutorial-franka-coppeliasim-joint-impedance-control.cpp:41
boost::shared_ptr< NodeHandle >
ROSCPP_DECL void init(const M_string &remappings, const std::string &name, uint32_t options=0)
virtual void getPosition(const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType frame, vpColVector &position)
Definition: vpRobotFrankaSim.cpp:417
virtual void add_tool(const vpHomogeneousMatrix &flMe, const double mL, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &flMcom, const vpMatrix &I_L)
Definition: vpRobotFrankaSim.cpp:222
Definition: vpROSRobotFrankaCoppeliasim.h:87
ROSCPP_DECL void spinOnce()
vpRobot::vpRobotStateType setRobotState(vpRobot::vpRobotStateType newState)
Definition: vpROSRobotFrankaCoppeliasim.cpp:764
void wait(double timestamp_second, double duration_second)
Definition: vpROSRobotFrankaCoppeliasim.cpp:976
virtual void setForceTorque(const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType frame, const vpColVector &force)
Definition: vpRobotFrankaSim.cpp:875
void setVerbose(bool verbose)
Definition: vpRobotFrankaSim.h:111
void coppeliasimStopSimulation(double sleep_ms=1000.)
Definition: vpROSRobotFrankaCoppeliasim.cpp:268
void setPosition(const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType frame, const vpColVector &position)
Definition: vpROSRobotFrankaCoppeliasim.cpp:947
double getCoppeliasimSimulationTime()
Definition: vpROSRobotFrankaCoppeliasim.cpp:342
void getMass(vpMatrix &mass)
Definition: vpRobotFrankaSim.cpp:1019
void coppeliasimStartSimulation(double sleep_ms=1000.)
Definition: vpROSRobotFrankaCoppeliasim.cpp:248
void getCoriolis(vpColVector &coriolis)
Definition: vpRobotFrankaSim.cpp:1042
void setCoppeliasimSyncMode(bool enable, double sleep_ms=1000.)
Definition: vpROSRobotFrankaCoppeliasim.cpp:209
void getFriction(vpColVector &friction)
Definition: vpRobotFrankaSim.cpp:144
void connect(const std::string &robot_ID="")
Definition: vpROSRobotFrankaCoppeliasim.cpp:132
virtual void getVelocity(const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType frame, vpColVector &d_position)
Definition: vpRobotFrankaSim.cpp:627

Author(s): Francois Pasteau, Fabien Spindler, Gatien Gaumerais, Alexander Oliva
autogenerated on Wed Mar 2 2022 01:13:29