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parsing_utilities.cpp File Reference

Declares utility functions used when parsing messages. More...

#include <septentrio_gnss_driver/parsers/parsing_utilities.hpp>
#include <septentrio_gnss_driver/parsers/string_utilities.hpp>
#include <limits>
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_binary.hpp>
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double parsing_utilities::convertDMSToDegrees (double dms)
 Converts latitude or longitude from the DMS notation (in the without-colon-delimiter format), to the pure degree notation. More...
Eigen::Quaterniond parsing_utilities::convertEulerToQuaternion (double roll, double pitch, double yaw)
 Transforms Euler angles to a quaternion. More...
QuaternionMsg parsing_utilities::convertEulerToQuaternionMsg (double roll, double pitch, double yaw)
 Transforms Euler angles to a QuaternionMsg. More...
std::string parsing_utilities::convertUserPeriodToRxCommand (uint32_t period_user)
 Transforms the input polling period [milliseconds] into a std::string number that can be appended to either sec or msec for Rx commands. More...
double parsing_utilities::convertUTCDoubleToSeconds (double utc_double)
 Converts UTC time from the without-colon-delimiter format to the number-of-seconds-since-midnight format. More...
std::time_t parsing_utilities::convertUTCtoUnix (double utc_double)
 Converts UTC time from the without-colon-delimiter format to Unix Epoch time (a number-of-seconds-since-1970/01/01 format) More...
uint16_t parsing_utilities::getCrc (const std::vector< uint8_t > &message)
 Get the CRC of the SBF message. More...
uint16_t parsing_utilities::getId (const std::vector< uint8_t > &message)
 Get the ID of the SBF message. More...
uint16_t parsing_utilities::getLength (const std::vector< uint8_t > &message)
 Get the length of the SBF message. More...
uint32_t parsing_utilities::getTow (const std::vector< uint8_t > &message)
 Get the time of week in ms of the SBF message. More...
uint16_t parsing_utilities::getWnc (const std::vector< uint8_t > &message)
 Get the GPS week counter of the SBF message. More...
bool parsing_utilities::parseDouble (const std::string &string, double &value)
 Interprets the contents of "string" as a floating point number of type double. More...
double parsing_utilities::parseDouble (const uint8_t *buffer)
 Converts an 8-byte-buffer into a double. More...
bool parsing_utilities::parseFloat (const std::string &string, float &value)
 Interprets the contents of "string" as a floating point number of type float. More...
float parsing_utilities::parseFloat (const uint8_t *buffer)
 Converts a 4-byte-buffer into a float. More...
bool parsing_utilities::parseInt16 (const std::string &string, int16_t &value, int32_t base=10)
 Interprets the contents of "string" as a integer number of type int16_t. More...
int16_t parsing_utilities::parseInt16 (const uint8_t *buffer)
 Converts a 2-byte-buffer into a signed 16-bit integer. More...
bool parsing_utilities::parseInt32 (const std::string &string, int32_t &value, int32_t base=10)
 Interprets the contents of "string" as a integer number of type int32_t. More...
int32_t parsing_utilities::parseInt32 (const uint8_t *buffer)
 Converts a 4-byte-buffer into a signed 32-bit integer. More...
bool parsing_utilities::parseUInt16 (const std::string &string, uint16_t &value, int32_t base=10)
 Interprets the contents of "string" as a unsigned integer number of type uint16_t. More...
uint16_t parsing_utilities::parseUInt16 (const uint8_t *buffer)
 Converts a 2-byte-buffer into an unsigned 16-bit integer. More...
bool parsing_utilities::parseUInt32 (const std::string &string, uint32_t &value, int32_t base=10)
 Interprets the contents of "string" as a unsigned integer number of type uint32_t. More...
uint32_t parsing_utilities::parseUInt32 (const uint8_t *buffer)
 Converts a 4-byte-buffer into an unsigned 32-bit integer. More...
bool parsing_utilities::parseUInt8 (const std::string &string, uint8_t &value, int32_t base=10)
 Interprets the contents of "string" as a unsigned integer number of type uint8_t. More...
Eigen::Quaterniond parsing_utilities::q_enu_ecef (double lat, double lon)
 Generates the quaternion to rotate from local ENU to ECEF. More...
Eigen::Quaterniond parsing_utilities::q_ned_ecef (double lat, double lon)
 Generates the quaternion to rotate from local NED to ECEF. More...
QuaternionMsg parsing_utilities::quaternionToQuaternionMsg (const Eigen::Quaterniond &q)
 Convert Eigen quaternion to a QuaternionMsg. More...
Eigen::Matrix3d parsing_utilities::R_enu_ecef (double lat, double lon)
 Generates the matrix to rotate from local ENU to ECEF. More...
Eigen::Matrix3d parsing_utilities::R_ned_ecef (double lat, double lon)
 Generates the matrix to rotate from local NED to ECEF. More...
double parsing_utilities::wrapAngle180to180 (double angle)
 Wraps an angle between -180 and 180 degrees. More...


const double parsing_utilities::pihalf = boost::math::constants::pi<double>() / 2.0

Detailed Description

Declares utility functions used when parsing messages.


Definition in file parsing_utilities.cpp.

Author(s): Tibor Dome
autogenerated on Wed Nov 22 2023 04:04:27