File: sbg_driver/SbgGpsVelStatus.msg
Raw Message Definition
# SBG Ellipse Messages
# Submessage
# The raw GPS velocity status
# 0 SOL_COMPUTED A valid solution has been computed.
# 1 INSUFFICIENT_OBS Not enough valid SV to compute a solution.
# 2 INTERNAL_ERROR An internal error has occurred.
# 3 LIMIT Velocity limit exceeded.
uint8 vel_status
# The raw GPS velocity type
# 0 VEL_NO_SOLUTION No valid velocity solution available.
# 1 VEL_UNKNOWN_TYPE An unknown solution type has been computed.
# 2 VEL_DOPPLER A Doppler velocity has been computed.
# 3 VEL_DIFFERENTIAL A velocity has been computed between two positions.
uint8 vel_type
Compact Message Definition
uint8 vel_status
uint8 vel_type