File: sbg_driver/SbgEkfEuler.msg
Raw Message Definition
# SBG Ellipse Messages
Header header
# Time since sensor is powered up micro [us]
uint32 time_stamp
# Angle [Roll, Pitch, Yaw (heading)] [rad]
# The right-hand convention applies, where positive rotation is indicated by the direction in which
# the fingers on your right hand curl when your thumb is pointing in the direction of the axis of rotation.
# NED convention:
# Roll: Rotation about the X axis: [ -Pi ; Pi ].
# Pitch: Rotation about the Y axis: [ -Pi/2 ; Pi/2 ].
# Yaw: Rotation about the down axis: [ -Pi ; Pi ]. Zero when the X axis is pointing North.
# ENU convention:
# Roll: Rotation around X axis: [ -Pi ; Pi ].
# Pitch: Rotation around Y axis: [ -Pi/2 ; Pi/2 ]. (Opposite sign compared to NED)
# Yaw: Rotation about the up axis: [ -Pi ; Pi ]. Zero when the X axis is pointing East.
geometry_msgs/Vector3 angle
# Angle accuracy (Roll, Pitch, Yaw (heading)) (1 sigma) [rad]
geometry_msgs/Vector3 accuracy
# Global solution status
SbgEkfStatus status
Compact Message Definition