File: radar_msgs/RadarTrack.msg
Raw Message Definition
# This message relates only to FMCW radar.
# All variables below are relative to the radar's frame of reference.
# This message is not meant to be used alone but as part of a stamped or array message.
# Object classifications (Additional vendor-specific classifications are permitted starting from 32000 eg. Car)
uint16 STATIC=1
uint16 DYNAMIC=2
uuid_msgs/UniqueID uuid # A unique ID of the object generated by the radar.
# Note: The z component of these fields is ignored for 2D tracking.
geometry_msgs/Point position # x, y, z coordinates of the centroid of the object being tracked.
geometry_msgs/Vector3 velocity # The velocity of the object in each spatial dimension.
geometry_msgs/Vector3 acceleration # The acceleration of the object in each spatial dimension.
geometry_msgs/Vector3 size # The object size as represented by the radar sensor eg. length, width, height OR the diameter of an ellipsoid in the x, y, z, dimensions
# and is from the sensor frame's view.
uint16 classification # An optional classification of the object (see above)
float32[6] position_covariance # Upper-triangle covariance about the x, y, z axes
float32[6] velocity_covariance # Upper-triangle covariance about the x, y, z axes
float32[6] acceleration_covariance # Upper-triangle covariance about the x, y, z axes
float32[6] size_covariance # Upper-triangle covariance about the x, y, z axes
Compact Message Definition