File: radar_msgs/RadarReturn.msg
Raw Message Definition
# All variables below are relative to the radar's frame of reference.
# This message is not meant to be used alone but as part of a stamped or array message.
float32 range # Distance (m) from the sensor to the detected return.
float32 azimuth # Angle (in radians) in the azimuth plane between the sensor and the detected return.
# Positive angles are anticlockwise from the sensor and negative angles clockwise from the sensor as per REP-0103.
float32 elevation # Angle (in radians) in the elevation plane between the sensor and the detected return.
# Negative angles are below the sensor. For 2D radar, this will be 0.
float32 doppler_velocity # The doppler speeds (m/s) of the return.
float32 amplitude # The amplitude of the of the return (dB)
Compact Message Definition
float32 range
float32 azimuth
float32 elevation
float32 doppler_velocity
float32 amplitude