EXTI HAL module driver. This file provides firmware functions to manage the following functionalities of the General Purpose Input/Output (EXTI) peripheral: More...
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EXTI HAL module driver. This file provides firmware functions to manage the following functionalities of the General Purpose Input/Output (EXTI) peripheral:
============================================================================== ##### EXTI Peripheral features ##### ============================================================================== [..] (+) Each Exti line can be configured within this driver. (+) Exti line can be configured in 3 different modes (++) Interrupt (CORE1 or CORE2 in case of dual core line ) (++) Event (CORE1 or CORE2 in case of dual core line ) (++) a combination of the previous (+) Configurable Exti lines can be configured with 3 different triggers (++) Rising (++) Falling (++) Both of them (+) When set in interrupt mode, configurable Exti lines have two diffenrents interrupt pending registers which allow to distinguish which transition occurs: (++) Rising edge pending interrupt (++) Falling (+) Exti lines 0 to 15 are linked to gpio pin number 0 to 15. Gpio port can be selected through multiplexer. (+) PendClearSource used to set the D3 Smart Run Domain autoamtic pend clear source. It is applicable for line with wkaeup target is Any (CPU1 , CPU2 and D3 smart run domain). Value can be one of the following: (++) EXTI_D3_PENDCLR_SRC_NONE : no pend clear source is selected : In this case corresponding bit of D2PMRx register is set to 0 (+++) On a configurable Line : the D3 domain wakeup signal is automatically cleared after after the Delay + Rising Edge detect (+++) On a direct Line : the D3 domain wakeup signal is cleared after the direct event input signal is cleared (++) EXTI_D3_PENDCLR_SRC_DMACH6 : no pend clear source is selected : In this case corresponding bit of D2PMRx register is set to 1 and corresponding bits(2) of D3PCRxL/H is set to b00 : DMA ch6 event selected as D3 domain pendclear source (++) EXTI_D3_PENDCLR_SRC_DMACH7 : no pend clear source is selected : In this case corresponding bit of D2PMRx register is set to 1 and corresponding bits(2) of D3PCRxL/H is set to b01 : DMA ch7 event selected as D3 domain pendclear source (++) EXTI_D3_PENDCLR_SRC_LPTIM4 : no pend clear source is selected : In this case corresponding bit of D2PMRx register is set to 1 and corresponding bits(2) of D3PCRxL/H is set to b10 : LPTIM4 out selected as D3 domain pendclear source (++) EXTI_D3_PENDCLR_SRC_LPTIM5 : no pend clear source is selected : In this case corresponding bit of D2PMRx register is set to 1 and corresponding bits(2) of D3PCRxL/H is set to b11 : LPTIM5 out selected as D3 domain pendclear source ##### How to use this driver ##### ============================================================================== [..] (#) Configure the EXTI line using HAL_EXTI_SetConfigLine(). (++) Choose the interrupt line number by setting "Line" member from EXTI_ConfigTypeDef structure. (++) Configure the interrupt and/or event mode using "Mode" member from EXTI_ConfigTypeDef structure. (++) For configurable lines, configure rising and/or falling trigger "Trigger" member from EXTI_ConfigTypeDef structure. (++) For Exti lines linked to gpio, choose gpio port using "GPIOSel" member from GPIO_InitTypeDef structure. (++) For Exti lines with wkaeup target is Any (CPU1 , CPU2 and D3 smart run domain), choose gpio D3 PendClearSource using PendClearSource member from EXTI_PendClear_Source structure. (#) Get current Exti configuration of a dedicated line using HAL_EXTI_GetConfigLine(). (++) Provide exiting handle as parameter. (++) Provide pointer on EXTI_ConfigTypeDef structure as second parameter. (#) Clear Exti configuration of a dedicated line using HAL_EXTI_GetConfigLine(). (++) Provide exiting handle as parameter. (#) Register callback to treat Exti interrupts using HAL_EXTI_RegisterCallback(). (++) Provide exiting handle as first parameter. (++) Provide which callback will be registered using one value from EXTI_CallbackIDTypeDef. (++) Provide callback function pointer. (#) Get interrupt pending bit using HAL_EXTI_GetPending(). (#) Clear interrupt pending bit using HAL_EXTI_GetPending(). (#) Generate software interrupt using HAL_EXTI_GenerateSWI().
This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
Definition in file stm32h7xx_hal_exti.c.