CRC HAL module driver. This file provides firmware functions to manage the following functionalities of the Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) peripheral: More...
#include "stm32h7xx_hal.h"
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CRC HAL module driver. This file provides firmware functions to manage the following functionalities of the Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) peripheral:
=============================================================================== ##### How to use this driver ##### =============================================================================== [..] (+) Enable CRC AHB clock using __HAL_RCC_CRC_CLK_ENABLE(); (+) Initialize CRC calculator (++) specify generating polynomial (peripheral default or non-default one) (++) specify initialization value (peripheral default or non-default one) (++) specify input data format (++) specify input or output data inversion mode if any (+) Use HAL_CRC_Accumulate() function to compute the CRC value of the input data buffer starting with the previously computed CRC as initialization value (+) Use HAL_CRC_Calculate() function to compute the CRC value of the input data buffer starting with the defined initialization value (default or non-default) to initiate CRC calculation
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Definition in file stm32h7xx_hal_crc.c.