File: kvh_geo_fog_3d_msgs/KvhGeoFog3DSatellites.msg
Raw Message Definition
# Satellites message for the KVH GEO FOG 3D satellites packet
# ROS message header.
# header.stamp specifies the ROS time for this measurement. Satellite
# time is reported as unix_time_s and unix_time_us.
Header header
# Horizontal dilution of precision (HDOP). Describes
# the strength of current satellite configuration.
float32 hdop
# Vertical dilution of precision (VDOP). Describes
# the strength of current satellite configuration.
float32 vdop
# Number of total satellites in sight
uint8 gps_satellites
# Number of glonass satellites in sight
uint8 glonass_satellites
# Number of beidou satellites in sight
uint8 beidou_satellites
# Number of galileo satellites in sight
uint8 galileo_satellites
# Number of sbas satellites in sight
uint8 sbas_satellites
Compact Message Definition
std_msgs/Header header
float32 hdop
float32 vdop
uint8 gps_satellites
uint8 glonass_satellites
uint8 beidou_satellites
uint8 galileo_satellites
uint8 sbas_satellites