This section describes the installation process for Linux.
Linux people who want to compile Kobuki driver, but not use ros
We use catkin to build. First of all you need to install some basic dependencies:
If you are not on Ubuntu you can typically find cmake, python in your system repos and at worst, you can install python modules from PyPi via pip.
Refer to the Catkin documentation for more details.
Next we must prepare a catkin workspace.
The utility catkin_make_isolated is just a wrapper around cmake/make. The catkin_make_isolated utility has a few options to allow direct configuration of various cmake variables (CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is a useful one, otherwise it defaults to ./install_isolated).
You can test your installation by executing some of the demo and test programs provided with Kobuki driver. You must point your LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable to the installed libraries. For example, if you type the following commands, the robot should move making squares:
We still have not prepared proper cross-compiling documentation, but have done so and we will be happy to help you. It simply requires following the usual cmake specification of toolchain cmake modules.
Do not hesitate to ask on Kobuki users list if you need additional support.