File: haf_grasping/GraspInput.msg
Raw Message Definition
#Header header # header for time/frame information
sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 input_pc # defines the point cloud on which grasps should be calculated (objects)
string goal_frame_id # the frame_id to which the point cloud should be transformed before grasps are calculated
geometry_msgs/Point grasp_area_center # center of the region where grasps are searched
float32 grasp_area_length_x # defines the length of the rectangle (in x direction (in m)) where grasps are searched (with center grasp_area_center)
float32 grasp_area_length_y # defines the length of the rectangle (in y direction (in m)) where grasps are searched (with center grasp_area_center)
duration max_calculation_time # maximal calculation time before grasp result is returned
bool show_only_best_grasp # If true, only the best grasp is shown in visualization
int32 threshold_grasp_evaluation # defines the threshold for return_first_grasp_over_th if it is set to true (otherwise it is ignored)
geometry_msgs/Vector3 approach_vector # defines the direction from where a grasp should be executed
int32 gripper_opening_width # defines the factor (actually 1/factor) that is used for pre-grasp opening gripper width
#geometry_msgs/Vector3 scale_gripper # Scale of the gripper in x and y direction if it deviates from a gripper of the size of a huMAN hand
Compact Message Definition