Plugin XML Reference and Example

Ros Gazebo Ros Force/Torque Sensor Plugin. This is a model plugin which broadcasts geometry_msgs/WrenchStamped messages with measured force and torque on a specified joint. The wrench is reported in the joint CHILD link frame and the measure direction is child-to-parent link. More...

Collaboration diagram for Plugin XML Reference and Example:


class  gazebo::GazeboRosFT
 GazeboRosFT controller This is a controller that simulates a 6 dof force sensor. More...

Detailed Description

Ros Gazebo Ros Force/Torque Sensor Plugin. This is a model plugin which broadcasts geometry_msgs/WrenchStamped messages with measured force and torque on a specified joint. The wrench is reported in the joint CHILD link frame and the measure direction is child-to-parent link.

Example Usage:

<!-- Enable the Joint Feedback -->
<gazebo reference="JOINT_NAME">
<!-- The ft_sensor plugin -->
<plugin name="ft_sensor" filename="">

Author(s): John Hsu
autogenerated on Thu Sep 5 2024 02:49:55