ensenso_camera_msgs/Parameter Message

File: ensenso_camera_msgs/Parameter.msg

Raw Message Definition

# Possible parameter keys. Most of the parameters are mapped to parameter nodes
# in the NxLib. In that case, the strings are derived from the names of these
# nodes.
# The comment above each key specifies the data type that is used for this
# parameter (also see the value fields below).
# See the NxLib documentation for information on what the different parameters do.

# Capture Parameters

# Bool
string AUTO_EXPOSURE           = AutoExposure
# Bool
string AUTO_GAIN               = AutoGain
# Float
string BINNING                 = Binning
# Float
string EXPOSURE                = Exposure
# Float
string FLEX_VIEW               = FlexView
# Bool
string FRONT_LIGHT             = FrontLight
# Float
string GAIN                    = Gain
# Bool
string GAIN_BOOST              = GainBoost
# Bool
string HARDWARE_GAMMA          = HardwareGamma
# Float
string MAX_GAIN                = MaxGain
# Float
string PIXEL_CLOCK             = PixelClock
# Bool
string PROJECTOR               = Projector
# RegionOfInterest
string REGION_OF_INTEREST      = RegionOfInterest
# Float
string TARGET_BRIGHTNESS       = TargetBrightness
# Float
string TRIGGER_DELAY           = TriggerDelay
# String
string TRIGGER_MODE            = TriggerMode

# Matching Parameters

# String
string MATCHING_METHOD         = MatchingMethod
# Float
string MINIMUM_DISPARITY       = MinimumDisparity
# Float
string NUMBER_OF_DISPARITIES   = NumberOfDisparities
# Float
string MEASUREMENT_VOLUME_NEAR = MeasurementVolumeNear
# Float
string MEASUREMENT_VOLUME_FAR  = MeasurementVolumeFar
# Float
string UNIQUENESS_RATIO        = UniquenessRatio
# Float
string SCALING                 = Scaling
# Bool
string PADDING                 = Padding

# The name of the parameter.
string key

# Values of different types. Only one of them is used, depending on the
# parameter that is specified by the key.
# Integer parameters will use the float value and round it.
bool bool_value
float64 float_value
string string_value
RegionOfInterest region_of_interest_value

Compact Message Definition

string AUTO_EXPOSURE=AutoExposure
string AUTO_GAIN=AutoGain
string BINNING=Binning
string EXPOSURE=Exposure
string FLEX_VIEW=FlexView
string FRONT_LIGHT=FrontLight
string GAIN=Gain
string GAIN_BOOST=GainBoost
string HARDWARE_GAMMA=HardwareGamma
string MAX_GAIN=MaxGain
string PIXEL_CLOCK=PixelClock
string PROJECTOR=Projector
string REGION_OF_INTEREST=RegionOfInterest
string TARGET_BRIGHTNESS=TargetBrightness
string TRIGGER_DELAY=TriggerDelay
string TRIGGER_MODE=TriggerMode
string MATCHING_METHOD=MatchingMethod
string MINIMUM_DISPARITY=MinimumDisparity
string NUMBER_OF_DISPARITIES=NumberOfDisparities
string MEASUREMENT_VOLUME_NEAR=MeasurementVolumeNear
string MEASUREMENT_VOLUME_FAR=MeasurementVolumeFar
string UNIQUENESS_RATIO=UniquenessRatio
string SCALING=Scaling
string PADDING=Padding
string key
bool bool_value
float64 float_value
string string_value
ensenso_camera_msgs/RegionOfInterest region_of_interest_value