File: ensenso_camera_msgs/TexturedPointCloud.action
Action Definition
# The mono camera into which the point cloud data will be rendered (and colorized).
string mono_serial
# Specifies which surfaces (seen by the cameras in serials) should be included in the point cloud.
# If the array is left empty, the point cloud of all opened stereo cameras within the same process
# (nodelet manager) is used.
string[] serials
# Defines the distance of the near clipping plane from the view point of the mono camera
float64 near_plane
# Defines the distance of the far clipping plane from the view point of the mono camera
float64 far_plane
# Defines, if OpenGL is to be used for rendering. Default is true.
bool use_opengl
# When this flag is enabled, the requested data will be published on the
# corresponding topics (see the documentation of the camera node).
# Automatically enabled, when publish_results and include_results_in_response
# are both not given.
bool publish_results
# When this flag is enabled, the resulting data will be included in the result
# of this action (see below).
bool include_results_in_response
# The resulting colorized point cloud.
sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 point_cloud
# A potential NxLib exception that occurred while executing the action.
NxLibException error