Makefile Library


Currently there is only one makefile and that is used in general to build ecl packages. It's not really intended for public consumption.

Ecl Package Makefile

File: - wrapper around the usual ros makefile (ros/core/mk/

This wrapper provides a few extra targets above and beyond the usual ros package:

  • install : installs files like a typical ./configure, make, make install.
  • install/strip : as above, but strips libraries and binaries as well.
  • uninstall : only if ecl_build_utilities' ecl_uninstall macro is called.
  • examples : for any binaries using the ecl_add_example macro.
  • benchmarks : for any binaries using the ecl_add_benchmarks macro.
  • utilities : for any binaries using the ecl_add_utilities macro.
  • apps : for any binaries using any one of the example/benchmark/utilities macros.
  • sources : like install, but only gathers sources, not libs and headers.
  • package : only if cpack information has been built in to your CMakeLists.txt

Note that building sources is a useful way to collect library sources for embedded development that cannot use the ros/cmake environment (e.g. Texas Instruments IDE for dsp development).

Author(s): Daniel Stonier
autogenerated on Wed Mar 2 2022 00:14:15