CMake Library


These are modules which can be included by cmake in the regular way with a macro/function api to call upon (think regular c-style library).

One nice feature of this is that you don't waste time processing macros you don't use (unlike a usual cmake module).



If using the ecl to build an ros package:

  • Ensure ecl_build is listed as a dependency in your manifest.xml
  • Simply rosbuild_include any of the macro libraries you wish to use:
# Include the macro libraries you wish to use...e.g.
rosbuild_include(ecl_build ecl_build_utilities)
rosbuild_include(ecl_build ecl_platform_detection)
rosbuild_include(ecl_build ecl_ros_utilities)
# Call the macros
ecl_detect_platform() # a general purpose platform sniffer
ecl_ros_get_dependency_list() # get the dependency list for this project
# Finally use some of the variables it sets (this one the dependency
message(STATUS "Dependencies: ${${PROJECT_NAME}_DEPENDENCIES}")


Pkg-config can be used to find the macro libraries when you have a regular system install of the ecl. An example:

pkg_check_modules(ECL_CMAKE ecl_cmake) # Stores the path to the ecl cmake dir in ECL_CMAKE_PREFIX
set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${ECL_CMAKE_PREFIX}/modules) # Location of the ecl cmake modules
# Include the macro libraries you wish to use...e.g.
# Call the macros
ecl_detect_platform() # a general purpose platform sniffer

The Library

See the sources (.cmake files) for more detailed usage notes and examples.

Platform Detection

File: ecl_platform_detection.cmake

  • ecl_detect_distro() - returns distro version details )currently ubuntu only).
  • ecl_detect_posix() - returns variables confirming the level of posix available.
  • ecl_detect_threads() - detects the thread model.
  • ecl_detect_timers() - detects the timers model.
  • ecl_detect_sizes() - determines the size of the fundamental types.
  • ecl_detect_char_type() - detects the typedef of char.
  • ecl_detect_endianness() - detects endianness of the platform.
  • ecl_set_platform_cflags() - sets platform flags based on various input variables.
  • ecl_detect_compiler_version() - returns the version of the compiler (msvc and gnu).
  • ecl_check_cxx_flags() - general version of CheckCXXCompilerFlags can be used for linker flags.
  • ecl_link_as_needed() - cross platform application of –link-as-needed.
  • ecl_link_no_as_needed() - cross platform application of the opposite.
  • ecl_detect_platform() - brings most of the above scripts together.
  • ecl_summary_platform() - prints results of the platform detection script.

Build Utilities

File: ecl_build_utilities.cmake

  • ecl_download_url()
  • ecl_extract_tarball()
  • ecl_extract_bzip2()
  • ecl_autotools_compile()
  • ecl_add_uninstall()

Ros Utilities

File: ecl_ros_utilities.cmake

  • ecl_ros_manifest_brief() - parses the package's manifest for the short description.
  • ecl_ros_get_dependency_list() - returns the list of all dependencies for a package.
  • ecl_ros_output_paths() - sets standard output paths for ros builds.

Author(s): Daniel Stonier
autogenerated on Wed Mar 2 2022 00:14:15