File: camera_aravis/CameraAutoInfo.msg
Raw Message Definition
# Status of GenICam properties affected by auto-parameters
# GenICam is maintained by the european machine vision association (emva):
# Properties are defined in GenICam Standard Features Naming Convention (SFNC).
# Implementation of most properties is "optional".
# If a parameter is not implemented, it should be set to NaN.
# Note: Vendor specific extensions are not taken into account.
# Consider disabling such proprietary auto-parameters.
std_msgs/Header header
# ExposureAuto
float64 exposure_time
# GainAuto
float64 gain
# GainAutoBalance
float64 gain_red
float64 gain_green
float64 gain_blue
# BlackLevelAuto
float64 black_level
# BlackLevelAutoBalance
float64 bl_red
float64 bl_green
float64 bl_blue
# BalanceWhiteAuto
float64 wb_red
float64 wb_green
float64 wb_blue
Compact Message Definition
std_msgs/Header header
float64 exposure_time
float64 gain
float64 gain_red
float64 gain_green
float64 gain_blue
float64 black_level
float64 bl_red
float64 bl_green
float64 bl_blue
float64 wb_red
float64 wb_green
float64 wb_blue