Only optionally activate comment evaluation (#310)
Comment evaluation can be enabled with a special comment:
It remains active for the following comments until:
Fix property resolution with namespace usage (#308)
Allow access to properties in parent scopes again (fixes #305)
Pick correct scope when defining a property into the parent (fixes #307)
Setting a property within the parent scope may occur in two contexts:
Contributors: Robert Haschke
Fix resolving of macros and properties declared and used in/from a namespace (#297, #306)
Macros and properties that are declared within a namespaced include shouldn't require the namespace prefix when used within the namespace.
Perform expression evaluation in comments (#300)
Expose xacro.arg() to facilitate access to substitution args
Contributors: Robert Haschke
Allow property names to be evaluated from an expression This allows to turn macros into a function that can compute an arbitrary property:
<xacro:macro name="square" params="name args"> <!-- Perform some complex computation and set the property within the parent's scope --> <xacro:property name="${name}" value="${[float(x)**2 for x in args]}" scope="parent" /> </xacro:macro> <xacro:square name="result" args="${python.range(5)}" />
Fix error reporting for invalid symbols in NameSpaces
Allow removal of a property definition (#288)
<xacro:property name="prop" remove="true"/>
Allow greedy property evaluation (#284) This can be used, to redefine a property from its previous value, e.g. for normalization:
<xacro:property name="prop" value="${prop.lower()}" lazy_eval="false"/>
Correctly expose XML namespaces imported via xacro:include within a macro (#287)
Throw when attempting to declare a property starting with double underscore (#286)
Improve global symbols (#283)
Expose most builtin symbols of python
Expose xacro functions into xacro namespace
xacro.print_location() to print the current filestack
tokenize(string, sep=',; ', skip_empty=True) to facilitate string tokenization
message(), warning(), error(), and fatal() to output messages on stderr. All but message() print the error location (macro call and file hierarchy) by default:
${xacro.message('message', 'text', 2, 3.14, color=32, print_location=True)} ${xacro.warning('warning')} ${xacro.error('error', print_location=False)} ${xacro.fatal('fatal')}
Rework handling of file and macro stack, such that print_location() works from anywhere
Unit tests: Reduce reported stdout/stderr output
Rework definition of global_symbols to expose functions into namespaces python, math, xacro
Contributors: Robert Haschke