Changelog for package smach_ros
2.0.3 (2023-06-13)
- Fix is_running behaviour in case of exception in the state #50
- Executing an empty Concurrence container hangs forever #51
2.0.2 (2023-06-13)
2.0.1 (2017-06-08)
- [fix] SimpleActionState will wait forever for a missing ActionServer #41
- [fix] monitor state callback args and adding unit test for monitor state that modifies userdata
- [improve] Specify queue sizes for introspection publishers #31
- [improve] make ServiceState more robust to termination while waiting for service #32
- [build] make rostest in CMakeLists optional #45
- change MonitorState and document its behavior
- increment n_checks only after checking
otherwise, setting max_checks=1 results in a MonitorState that returns the 'valid' outcome for any message
- [test] adding test for actionlib timeout
- [maintenance] Update maintainer. switching to package.xml format 2
- Contributors: Isaac I.Y. Saito, Jonathan Bohren, Loy, Lukas Bulwahn, Nils Berg, contradict
2.0.0 (2014-04-17)
- smach_ros: Adding rostests to cmakelists
- Merging changes, resolving conflicts, from strands-project (@cburbridge)
- cleaning up and removing rosbuild support
- merging groovy and hydro
- Listing available goal slots in case of specifying wrong ones
- Fix syntax errors, doc typos and indentations glitches
- if monitor state prempted before executing, return.
- Adding event for thread synchronization in concurrence and using event not condition in monitor state
- Listing available goal slots in case of specifying wrong ones
- [MonitorState] Make exception handler more verbose
- edited monitor state to allow input and output keys
- Contributors: Boris Gromov, Bruno Lacerda, Felix Kolbe, Hendrik Wiese, Jonathan Bohren, cburbridge
1.3.1 (2013-07-22)
- adding changelogs
- added missing catkin_package() calls in CMakeLists.txt files of packages smach and smach_ros
- Updating maintainer name
- added missing catkin_package() calls in CMakeLists.txt files of packages smach and smach_ros
- Updating maintainer name