- [robot-compile-hrpsys.sh] Optimization (remove downloaded source file, this consumes hdd spaces)
- [kawada-hironx.dae, test_hironx.py] add forcesensor in dae model and update test_impedance_Controller
[*.test] short time-limit because travis raise error if we do get any output for 10 min
[hironx_ros_bridge/test] Modularize test cases
[test-hironx-ros-bridge.test] add retry=2 for test_hironx_ros_bridge.py
[test_hironx.py] Check version of hrpsys for impedance_controller
[test_hironx_ik.py] add test code to check #319
relax test code, that #287 is not closed
- Add a note for existing Hiro users interested in using OSS controller.