Changelog for package pr2_moveit_plugins
0.7.3 (2019-10-06)
- [fix] Add missing package: angles
- Contributors: Robert Haschke
0.7.2 (2019-10-01)
- [maintenance] Fix Travis (#103)
- [maintenance] Adapt IK to newer KDL API (#101)
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Robert Haschke
0.7.1 (2019-03-31)
- use urdf typedefs to stay compatible with boost vs std ptrs
- Contributors: v4hn
0.7.0 (2018-04-27)
- Maintainer update & order dependencies
- pluginlib headers migration
- Migrate to format2
- Add Bence as maintainer
- GetKinematicSolverInfo -> KinematicSolverInfo
- compile with c++11
- Explicitly convert shared_ptr to bool for c++11 compatibility.
- Contributors: Bence Magyar, Christian Dornhege, Dave Coleman, Isaac I.Y. Saito, Maarten de Vries, v4hn
0.6.4 (2017-06-20)
- [enhance] Explicitly convert shared_ptr to bool for c++11 compatibility.
- Contributors: Maarten de Vries
0.6.3 (2016-06-24)
0.6.2 (2016-02-05)
- Fix message dependencies.
- Contributors: Christian Dornhege
0.6.1 (2015-01-16)
- update maintainer while debugging build errors
- add build depend on cmake_modules
- Contributors: Michael Ferguson
0.6.0 (2015-01-14)
- build system fix
- Fix deprecated class loader call, renamed global variables to have _, cleaned up launch files
- Contributors: Dave Coleman, Ioan Sucan
0.5.7 (2014-03-23)
0.5.6 (2014-02-27)
0.5.5 (2014-01-03)
0.5.4 (2013-12-03)
- for some reason it seems the Eigen allocator is not called when constructing objects on stack (?); this fixes things for 32bit OS
0.5.3 (2013-09-23)
0.5.2 (2013-08-13)
- make headers and author definitions aligned the same way; white space fixes
- fixes to gripper controller
0.5.0 (2013-07-15)
0.4.3 (2013-07-12)
- white space fixes (tabs are now spaces)
- adding options struct to kinematics base