Changelog for package open_manipulator_moveit
2.0.0 (2019-02-08)
- added moveit config and controller
- updated moveit rviz
- Updated start_state after execution on Moveit #83
- changed control period 40mm to 100mm
- Contributors: Darby Lim, Yong-Ho Na, Hye-Jong KIM, Guilherme de Campos Affonso, Pyo
1.0.0 (2018-06-01)
- package reconfiguration for OpenManipulator
- added position only IK
- added compability with book
- deleted unused variables, 'chain' word
- merged pull request #34 #33 #32 #31 #27 #26 #25
- Contributors: Darby Lim, Pyo
0.1.0 (2018-03-14)
- modified moveit set and gripper control
- modified gazebo and moveit setting
- modified gazebo sim
- modified description
- modified cmake, packages files for release
- refactoring for release
- Contributors: Darby Lim, Pyo